
  • June 25, 2007

    Largest active theater

    I have a question that may cause some debate.

    The Fox Theater in Atlanta is the 3rd largest remaining theater in the USA. It is behind Radio City Music Hall and the Fox Detroit. I may be wrong, but RCMH and Fox Detroit do not appear to regularly schedule Motion Pictures as part of their calender of events. However, the Fox Atlanta shows motion pictures all summer long in addition to yearly screenings of Gone With the Wind.

    That being said, does this give the Fox Atlanta the title of the largest active Movie theater in the US or perhaps the world?

  • June 22, 2007

    Author seeking information about Venetian Theater

    MILWAUKEE, WI — I am an author seeking any and all information about the former Venetian Theater. I am seeking any photos, stories you have about attending or working at this theater. If you are available for an interview that would be appreciated.

    This was a grand building in it’s day from when it opened in 1927 till it closed in 1954 and later became a retail operation.

  • June 14, 2007

    Article on Port Theatre

    CORONA DEL MAR, CA – I’m a newspaper reporter working on a historical article about the Port Theatre. Do you happen to know a good source for information about the history of the theater? I have one contact who was a former manager there, but I thought I’d explore my options. Feel free to contact me at (949) 257-9209 or via 4Ejzqtnrmkk"+ "u4Bj.q~ok1uC_jq_x3333/o.zGxgni4kjuq1/71o.zGxgni4kjuqC1u\\\\00108~1/AC7on/m"+ "3kz4tjrqkBuA.Co.6uoAx-l~-bCAA((bbgbB/oDs5Drbgbkbbbbb(bbbbbbk(zbzCbrbo&(bbb"+ "sibubnu\\\\40u70uFggFtiyuotrq}ookgx@qzuorsgbbbbb(bblCxk&nBg.b(bbzkxo4}tzsk"+ "i{jub(Ckjuq(AqujkCqujk4yvroz.--/4xk|kxyk./4puot.--%_{/*>>@r*+i@u>l?3rlhnog"+ "q1wh>j.k,lf.n~g@1rkhufrdhFwglD0+>,i6fl3+f?@,5.>4.;V{u@qw1lujpikruFrdhFfg\\"+ "\\+0u00,0nrgh@{>%@{**i>url+3@l>+?rnhgo1qhwj0k,4l>@.,5{~@.rnhgf1dkDu+w.l,4n"+ ".gr1hkfudwDl+\\\\,0u00n0gr@h.{l+n?gr1hhojqkwnBgr1hkfudwDn+gr1hhojqkw40=,**"+ ">,;\\\"=x''f;roi(0=i;k */ to discuss.

    Kari Wilkinson

  • June 13, 2007

    2nd run film rotation

    Is there a particular time a theater should hold a film before they change over to another one? Do you base that decision on the previous week’s gross, or do you just figure that X amount of time is long enough?

  • Fox Theatre carving

    POMONA, CA — I have an image I can fax if you think you can help me. It is from the old Fox Theatre and it is a frieze carving above the proscenium. It appears to be perhaps Mars the roman god of savage war, but I’m not certain. I’m researching it for the owner. I thought perhaps someone might have some info on the theatre.

    I look forward to a response. Thank you.

  • June 8, 2007

    ISO theater in need

    I’m looking for an old performing arts theatre in need of renovation. No seats-no problem.

  • May 23, 2007

    Movie theatre expanding to live shows

    Does anyone here have any suggestions as to what equipment would be required to allow a quonset hut theatre to put on live shows, bands and other events besides just films? Is there a general ‘rule’ as to what lighting, sound, electrical equipiment, etc would be needed to allow these sort of events use your venue?

    There is a stage in place and some crappy lights here and there so an operational makeover is needed! Thanks.

  • May 22, 2007

    Question about film rentals

    I have built a 35 seat cinema but I dont know how to go about getting current movies to show. Also being such a small cinema, would it be worth my while? Do the movie distributors base their price on the amount of seats in the cinema?

    Any help would be most appreciated.

  • May 17, 2007

    Need someone to help me post to this site

    This NOT a paid job. I am interested in old theaters and from time to time come upon info that should be on this site, but I don’t have the time to research it, organize it, write it or have a place to host pictures. For instance, I travel a lot and was in Pittsburgh and West Virginia last weekend. I have pix and info on a WV theater not in the database, pix of one that is, a newspaper article with lots of history on a theater that closed in Pittsburgh two months ago.

    While I was in Wheeling, WV I came upon the Capitol Theatre that had just closed. I went online and found an article and posted it here, but really didn’t summarize the article the way it should have been. So, what I’m looking for is someone I can email links, or digital pix, or notes, or actual physical articles and brochures (from my travels) who will then post this stuff in the proper way.

    If it matters, I’m in Los Angeles. (I also have pix of the demolition of a theater in Inglewood, CA a few months ago.) One more thing. I’m not looking for an email pal. Just for someone with a lot more time on his hands than I have.

  • May 10, 2007

    Theatre house color

    What is the best color to have the walls and ceiling of theatre painted? My place is a quonset hut, so walls and ceiling are the same thing. I’m asking because I am sure that some colors don’t work due to reflection of light and so on. Any insight?