Exclusive one month engagement of “2001” in Toronto
TORONTO, ONTARIO , CANADA — A special presentation of a cinematic masterpiece presented in breathtaking 70mm format, a most visually spectacular widescreen process!
“A rare and epic experience! This is picture quality you have to see to believe!”
“An epic drama of adventure and exploration!”
A movie you may not understand the first time you see it, so see it again and again!
Worth seeing just for the music!
The brand new TIFF Bell Lightbox, home of the Toronto International Film Festival just opened September 12, 2010. Of the 5 Cinemas, Cinema 1 which seats 549 can show 70mm films and as far as I know 2001 is the first 70mm film.
They say it’s the “only 70mm screening facility in Canada” I take that to mean they plan to be screening 70mm pretty much all the time. I know they plan on “Lawrence of Arabia” and “Playtime” both in 70mm after 2001. Anyone know if they plan to continue this plan?
Reitman Square
350 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Thursday, December 9 – Wednesday, January 6!
4-1 Shows Per Daily!
$15.00 Regular
$12.00 Student/Senior
$ 9.00 Children & Youth
Sound, 70MM 6-TRACK, DTS 70mm (2001 re-release)
Originally released in 70mm CINERAMA
Aspect Ratio 2.20:1
Runtime 141 minutes
Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Writen by Arthur C. Clarke & Stanley Kubrick
World Premiere in CINERAMA, April 2, 1968, Uptown Theater, Washington D.C., RAN FOR 52 WEEKS!
“The ultimate trip,” Stanley Kubrick’s science-fiction masterpiece has survived innumerable parodies, references and rip-offs with its mystery and power intact. Tracing a cosmic mystery from the dawn of mankind to the farthest reaches of time and space, Kubrick chronicles an intergalactic mission to find the source of a mysterious black monolith discovered by American astronauts on the moon – a mission complicated (to put it mildly) when the ship’s renegade computer HAL 9000 (HAL + 1 letter = IBM) decides that its human cargo is inadequate to carry out such an important task. Featuring spectacular special effects by Douglas Trumbull, 2001 pointedly speculates on what it means to be human in an age dominated by technology, and what the next stage of human evolution could potentially be.
Bob Jensen, Manteo, Illinois
Comments (23)
Forgot to mention:
Won an OSCAR for Best Efeects, Special Visual Effects, Stanley Kubrick.
Also nominated for Academy Awards for:
Best Director, Stanley Kubrick.
Best Writing, Story and Screenplay – Written Drictly for the Screen, Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke.
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Anthony Masters, Harry Lange, Ernest Archer.
When it had its World Premieer at the Uptown in Wasington D.C. it ran for 2:40. Stanley Kubrick then trimed it 20 minutes.
This is great to hear. Would love to see 70MM make a comeback. It could put any of todays digital crap to shame. Would love see something like this here in Jersey at one of the few palaces left standing. The 2760 seat Ritz in Elizabeth comes to mind.
1 New York City 18,718,000
2 Los Angeles 12,298,000
3 Chicago 8,814,000
4 Miami 5,434,000
5 Philadelphia 5,392,000
6 Toronto 5,312,000
How come Toronto with an area population of “only” 5,312,000 can show a 70mm film 61 times in a month and the 5 areas larger hardly ever show 70mm or if they do only have a screening or two?
I’m just sayin!
“2001” has always had a great following and appreciation in Toronto; it had one of the longest – if not perhaps the longest – initial runs in history at the now demolished Glendale Theatre there. According to Michael Coate’s Cinerama retrospective for Toronto, it ran for 72 weeks; Jon Lidolt, on the Glendale’s page here on CT says the run was 127 weeks (I am guessing that the 72 weeks was that for the reserved seat engagement; the 127 may include the weeks when it ran non-reserved). Regardless, only a few other cities had runs like that. I am sure that many Torontoians who saw the film when it was first released will be looking forward to this.
It is certainly not the only facility in Canada that can screen 70mm though perhaps, as you suggest Bob, it may be the only one that we can expect will do so on some kind of regular basis. The Cinesphere, on Toronto’s lakefront can, and so can the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec which had a 70mm festival in September, 2010.
At the Bell Lightbox is the 70mm screen curved? Any curtains? Let us know please. When 2001 is finised they need to book the new 70mm print of Sound Of Music!!!!! Then ‘My Fair Lady’ all in 70mm with full 6 track stereo.
This page: View link has several pictures of the TIFF Bell Lightbox, including one of Cinema 1 (scroll down to see it) where “2001” will be showing. Yes, there are curtains. I do not know about the screen, but I am guessing it will be flat, and considering the apparent available screening area, rather disappointingly small, especially considering that masking will probably have to be used to get the right screen proportions for Super Panavision image. Still, if I could get there, I sure would.
If you’re anywhere near Toronto… GO!
I saw this print at the Esquire in Denver and was blown away. 3-D, blue ray and line doublers are fine for most films. The ultimate way to see 2001 is on a huge screen in 70mm. The detail and depth is so impressive. When I saw the print the color was so rich without being saturated. The picture was very sharp. The effects are transparent.
For a film geek, it can be a very moving experience.
PS – Take an 70mm nonbeliever and watch them freak out.
Michael Coate put out a revised listing for Toronto and said that the longest-running booking of “2001” during its original roadshow release, based on tracking the playdates through the original newspaper advertisments was 127 weeks at the Glendale in Toronto! May 30, 1968 – November 2, 1970, THATS WELL OVER 2 YEARS!
2001 ends record run (The Globe & Mail, 03 Nov 1970)
The world’s longest continuous run of 2001: A Space Odyssey, came to an end last night with the Glendale Theatre’s 1,310th performance of Stanley (Dr. Strangelove) Kubrick’s science fiction epic. According to D.K. Watts, director of advertising for Twentieth Century Theatre, around 400,000 people saw Space Odyssey in the 708-seat house, bringing in just under $1.25-million at the Glendale.
Space Odyssey ends 127-week run (The Star, 03 Nov 1970)
The science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey finished its Toronto run at the Glendale Theatre last night with its 1,310 performance. D.K. Watts director of advertising for Twentieth Century Theatre, said the 127 weeks in one theatre surpassed the run in every other theatre in the world. More than 400,000 people went to the 708-seat Toronto theatre and paid $1.25 million. Space Odyssey left to make way for the world premier of The Song of Norway.
Night shot of the Glendale Theatre in Toronto showing “2001”.
View link
How I wish I could go to Toronto to see this…BUT…the true “2001” 70mm experience was seeing it at Cooper’s Indian Hills theatre on the 105 foot curved screen. To this day, that remains THE cinematic experience of my life (for the record, I saw it there for the first time in junior high when it was reissued in 1974)…As you probably know, the theatre sadly was demolished, but when I play my “2001” blu-ray, I imagine myself sitting down low near the screen, scrunched down in my purple velvet seat, waiting for the “ultimate trip” to begin…
I knew I should have applied for my passport this year!
Yay, Toronto!
Hope all you moviegoers up in Toronto enjoy the special treat that is “2001: A Space Odyssey”, in 70 mm. I saw this film when it first came out, and afew times afterwards, when I was much older. It’s a wonderful film, especially in 70 mm, and you won’t be disappointed!
Congrats to Toronto! Maybe someday NYC will catch up, cinema wise.
Thanks, Bob, for posting that picture of the Glendale. The place where my favorite movie played its longest engagement ever – it’s like a holy shrine to me!
the only good thing about living in a large city,is the Movies you have a chance to catch.
Not to mention having public transportation at one’s fingertips to get to the movies in the event of a big snowstorm in the wintertime.
Yeah,when it snows in Georgia I know you guys are in for a nightmare.Enjoy 2001.
Unfortunately, the 70mm showing of 2001 at Tiff was a disappointment. Their flat screen is actually smaller than the screen I had installed when I ran Toronto’s Roxy theatre, an independent rep house I ran many years ago.
Keep in mind that Kubrick designed his epic to be viewed on massive Cinerama screens. I vividly remember seeing 2001 at the Glendale in Toronto (which I prepared all the ads for) and also at the Capitol in NY. Watching 2001 on those huge deeply curved screens was almost a religious experience. At Tiff I was not overwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased as punch that we get to see 70mm presentations in Toronto again, but why or why did they not install a decent size screen? It’s really a shame because other than that “little” problem, they have terrific facilities.
Jon: I’m glad I now get to thank you personally for the “2001” Glendale ads. I have copies of two of them posted on the wall in my workspace: “Toronto’s Favourite Motion Picture Celebrates its First Year” and “SEE the Big Brother of Apollo IX’s Lunar Landing Vehicle”. Pure showmanship – I love ‘em! Thanks again.
Bill, I’m both pleased and flattered that you have my ads (which I suspect you found on Roland Lataille’s Cinerama wesite) displayed in your office.
I only wish we still had theatres like the Glendale Cinerama to design ads for. Looking back on it now, I realize how lucky I was to be part of that experience. At 20th Century Theatres we routinely reworked the standard studio ads to try to generate excitement about going to the movies – and sometimes we succeeded. 2nd Big Year and still going strong? That’s something we’ll not see again.
Jon, I can safely say that of all the ads I’ve seen over the years for my favourite (note Canadian spelling) movie, “2001”, yours were the very best.
WOW! What else can I say? Thanks Bill.