Comments from Trey Simmons

Showing 1 - 25 of 27 comments

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Mall Cinema I-II-III on Mar 16, 2013 at 5:57 am

Man I wish I had known that was going to happen. I would have went and watched it.

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Mall Cinema I-II-III on Feb 25, 2012 at 4:05 pm

Hey Japatters, I know you……early 90s. You dated a friend of mine named Brian.

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regal Augusta Village Cinema 12 on Feb 14, 2012 at 12:43 pm

Opened just before Christmas 1991…….

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regal Augusta Exchange Stadium 20 & IMAX on Feb 13, 2012 at 6:38 pm

Mike that is so true! I went to this theater over Christmas with my sister, and it was something else in there. I felt sorry for the kids working there.

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about National Hills Theatre on Dec 21, 2011 at 5:01 pm

Mike where is your faceook page? Message me the link on Facebook if you like, here is a link to my facebook profile

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Big Mo Drive-In on Sep 3, 2011 at 4:18 pm

Went out here last night (Aug 2nd 2011) and saw the triple feature of Back to the Future, Grease and Jaws. They now have 3 screens here, a new one opened in may. The new screen is the screen the triple feature ran on. Fairly good crowd for this triple feature. The other 2 fields had good crowds as well. Ill do a little review of each print of the movies they ran. 1. Up first was Back to The Future. Awful print. Choppy, spotty, jumpy, green and yellow. All in all, it was still great to see this classic on a big screen again. 2. Grease Sing A Long version. I hate these updates they do to movies. Original Grease is a good movie…..this version was not needed in my opinion. Side note, about 80 percent of the crowd left after Grease. Best movie of the night coming up, and everyone leaves???? Ah, what do they know????!!! 3. Jaws.Beautiful print of the movie. This is one of my all time fave movies, and finally seeing it on big screen, I was blown away. Print was crisp, sharp, vibrant colors……The ending scenes out on the ocean simply blew me away, I felt I was out there on the water myself. Jaws was made for the big screen,and it shows. This was my first trip to the Big Mo, and I will be back. Nice place they got out there…no big frills, but no big price either (7 bucks a person for the triple feature). They allow coolers and food brought in (no glass or alcohol). Me and my wife brought our own food and drinks, but we did buy some popcorn and candy from the concession. Prices at the concession were very fair. I will never visit Regal again after going here !!! Not that I went there much in the first place…….. If you have not visited, do your self a favor and ride out one weekend…..well worth it. Make sure and bring a portable radio, as the sounds come in over FM bands. And,you can bring chairs and sit in front of your car…..

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Aug 3, 2011 at 1:02 am

Hey Mike Rogers, you happen to have a picture of that Krystals that sat right in front of Masters Cinema??

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Big Mo Drive-In on Jul 2, 2011 at 11:12 pm

So, on Labor Day weekend, they are showing Grease, Back to the Future, and Jaws as a triple feature. I am very excited about this, as I have always wanted to see Jaws on a big screen!

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Jun 25, 2011 at 4:00 am

Mike, the screen and presentation at Master could not hold a candle to National Hills!! I was a kid and I could see that !!!

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Jun 24, 2011 at 5:55 pm

Mike, I am pretty sure (not 100 percent) that the screens were added around 1983……….. I can recall it being closed for a while that spring. I know it was expanded by 1986 as my girlfriend in high school worked there that year, it was definitely done by then…….. While I have a special place in my mind for National Hills, Columbia Square, and the Regency Mall 1-3 theaters, I probably saw more movies at Masters than any others.

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Jun 23, 2011 at 3:35 pm

Yes Mike I do remember ! I remember the Golf Mural(why they got rid of that is beyond me). I was born in 1970, So I have pretty good memories of all these places. Around what year did they add on to Masters?

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about National Hills Theatre on Jun 21, 2011 at 6:28 pm

Mike, I would have loved to have seen 2001 in 70mm. However, I did see 2010 at National Hills, not sure it was in 70mm, but it was when the theater was equipped to do it still…… 2001 came out a little before my time.

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Mall Cinema I-II-III on Jun 19, 2011 at 7:21 pm

Actually, Russel I do recall that ! I was 10 years old, but I do remember someone dressed as Darth Vader walking around! Cool……. thanks for the welcome to the site !

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Mall Cinema I-II-III on Jun 19, 2011 at 3:03 pm

In 2001, my step sister was dating a guy who worked for the Marshals Office, whose offices were located at the mall. One Friday night, I was hanging around with them,we were eating in a Taco Bell, and he goes “Trey, you want to go look around the old mall?”. I jumped at the chance, and went over there and took a walk around. I cant recall much about what the theater looked like then……..I know it was after Wards had closed, and I believe no other stores were left open at all. I do recall, as this was late summer, the air was running, and it seemed to be kept up, aside from everything being closed. I wish I had camera with me that night. If any of you guys find a way to tour the mall, please let me know as Id love to come along…………

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Exchange Cinema on Jun 19, 2011 at 2:41 pm

gave it some thought, last film I viewed here was Jackie Brown in 1997……….

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Daniel Village Theatre on Jun 19, 2011 at 1:56 pm

One other thing I remember vividly about this theater was that darn Space Invaders video game in the lobby. You could hear it in the auditoriums, I swear that game was there till the place closed !!!!

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Hilltop Drive-In on Jun 19, 2011 at 1:37 pm

Does anyone know exactly when this one closed?

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Exchange Cinema on Jun 19, 2011 at 1:28 pm

Only saw a couple of movies here, One that comes to mind is Terminator 2 in summer of 1991. From 1989 till 1991 I worked at local TV station WBEK, and we did several promotions here I worked, one was for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles summer 1990…….We aired the cartoon show, and ran a promotion on opening weekend registering kids who came to see the movie for some club and gave away Ninja Turtles Action figures. Did a similar one in 1991 for some other kids movie, forget what it was tho. I always thought it was built in an odd place………You could tell as early as 85-86 which way this part of town was heading…..

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about National Hills Theatre on Jun 19, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Cant say anything that has not been said before, Miss that 70mm screen……..

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Evans Stadium Cinemas on Jun 19, 2011 at 12:50 pm

Only been in this one once, summer of 1997 to see that god aweful Batman sequel…….

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Masters Value Cinemas 8 on Jun 19, 2011 at 12:39 pm

What more can you say about this place? This was “The” theater in Augusta in the 80s. This place would be packed on the weekends. So many movies I saw here, Jaws 3, Wargames, Poltergiest, Several of the Friday the 13th movies, Return of the Living Dead, Several of the John Hughes 80s films such as Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink. I still frequent this place from time to time. Its funny as I have been to the Evans 12 once, and Regal 5 times in my life, but still hit this one all the time. I remember going to see Beverly Hills Cop 2 here on opening night 1987, and it was packed……….

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Daniel Village Theatre on Jun 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

Spent a lot of time at this one also. My mom worked in one of the stores at Daniel Village, and shed take me to work with her in the summer and Id go down and see a movie. Ya’ll are right about them playing a lot of Disney films……….Went here a bunch in the late 80s when it became a dollar movie……..Still frequented this place well into 1991……………One of the last movies I can recall seeing here was Thelma and Louise…..

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Regency Mall Cinema I-II-III on Jun 19, 2011 at 12:07 pm

Another theater I frequented a lot. Saw tons upon tons of movies here. I can recall seeing Disney’s Jungle Book sometime in the late 70s…… My dad took me out of school to go see Empire Strikes Back and the line went all thru the mall…..Seeing Rocky 3 here, Footloose, FireFox, MegaForce (hey I was 12!!!). I remember coming in 1990 to see I Come in Peace. I can recall my last visit to this theater as well, I came in early 1993 and caught Pet Sematary 2……Id love to get a look inside this place today………

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Peach Orchard Cinemas on Jun 19, 2011 at 11:57 am

Saw quite a few movies at this theater. I remember seeing Star Wars here in summer of 77. As others have noted, this side of town went way down hill towards the mid to late 80s, I dont recall going here past about 1986…

Trey Simmons
Trey Simmons commented about Columbia Square Cinemas on Jun 19, 2011 at 11:48 am

Mike Rogers, I have enjoyed reading all your info on local theaters over the past few days. There are a couple of people in Augusta who care about theater history………