2012 CAPA Summer Movie Series

posted by Michael Zoldessy on May 16, 2012 at 7:45 am


COLUMBUS, OH — The longest running classic-film series in the country is returning to the Ohio Theatre this June when CAPA returns. Clark Wilson will guest on organ in the diverse series of landmark films.

Read more at their official website.

(Thanks to spectrum for providing the photo.)

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Comments (2)

Mark_L on May 16, 2012 at 3:15 pm

For a $4 ticket price, this is great entertainment. The Ohio is one of the most beautiful theatres around and it is very nicely restored.

Clark Wilson’s silent movies are always a highlight of the series. This year he will be playing the Douglas Fairbanks'silent version of Robin Hood on July 12 & 13. If you are anywhere close to Central Ohio, this will be well worth attending.

Many of these movies are presented via blu-ray, not film and it is very difficult to get information from CAPA before the screening as to format.

Keith on May 19, 2012 at 8:55 am

2 years ago they did have a lot of digital movies and got a lot of backlash from fans who came long distances to see a film print. last year they only had a few digital and listed them in there program.

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