Bad Drive-in memories of the previous tornado
FLINT, MI — The tornado in Joplin, MO claimed more than 100 lives. The previous tornado with a death toll of at least 100 was the Beecher Tornado which struck the Beecher district north of Flint, MI on June 8, 1953. Near the tornado’s path was the North Flint Drive-in Theatre.
The drive-in was safely evacuated and, despite recollections to the contrary, received only minor damage from the tornado. The drive-in reopened when the curfew was lifted a few days later.
News stories giving recollections which mention the drive-in can be found from the Detroit Free Press and the Flint Journal.
While the drive-in survived the tornado, it could not survive commercial encroachment for it was torn down by 1966 to make way for a K-Mart store which has since closed.
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