Cinema City changes big way
Cinema City, recently renowned for its Eastern European deal, was the last large cinema operator in Europe using a 35 millimeter film in its logo. With the acquisition of Palace Cinemas the company has seen a need for change and let create a whole new visual identity. It has been the company’s first redesign since 1997, when it started to expand internationally.
In its press release Cinema City explained: “Whilst we are immensely proud of what we have achieved over recent years, we increasingly felt that our old identity did not reflect our status or ambition for the future. That is why we have created a new identity that reflects the confidence and scale of Cinema City today and repositions us for the future.”
The old fashioned logo was not competitive anymore and was replaced with a simple orange word mark. The traditional corporate color blue disappeared and as a background color now serves black with fuzzy bubbles. Black will be also the main color of the new Cinema City staff uniforms.
It was also confirmed, the Palace Cinemas brand will not be used on the Czech and Slovak market anymore. The announcement was only made on the actions subpage of Palace Cinemas.
The following by customers beloved leader will be shown in the future only in few Hungarian cinemas, which were not a part of the acquisition, but Cinema City will provide some selected management services for them.
The transition to the new corporate design also started on the particular country websites. First the Polish site was redesign, even before the new visual identity was communicated in the annual report press release. Bulgaria is currently (march 2011) the smallest market in terms of revenues, but its website has been the next. The Czech site has still the old design and the Slovak site redirects to Palace Cinemas. The Hungarian and Romanian web presentations adapted only some parts of the new design.
The responsive agency for the Cinema City’s visual identity redesign was the London based Identica, appointed for the work last September in a nine-way pitch.
Comments (4)
It’s kinda nice to hear of a company that finds these sorts of details important. Seems like the closest thing to modern day showmanship.
If 35mm film comes off their logo, how long before it disappears from their theatres too?
That’s a good question, Ron. Thanks for bringing it up.
Answer: Currently there are 299 digital of 863 screens (35 per cent). I guess the acquisition will slow the digitalization process a little bit. My estimation is the end of 2014, but it will depend on many factors. The purchasing power of the Eastern Europeans is one of the them.