French art house shuts its doors in protest
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Michael Zoldessy
December 28, 2011 at 10:00 am
PARIS, FRANCE — Art-house theaters in the U.S. have been slowly losing grasp of their bookings for years because of major chains starting to pick and choose art-house fare for their own cinemas. In Paris, some theater owners aren’t about to give up so easily. The Cinema Le Balzac has shut its doors in protest of this and other cinemas are following.
Read more in the Los Angeles Times
Comments (2)
The Cinema Le Balzac has shut its doors in protest ??? I do not understand the point in shutting.. Being a retired Theatre – Cinema Owner I found there is no such thing as customer loyalty at the end of the day.. Shuting in protest serves no purpose, other then helping the Big boys..
An art-house cinema shutting its doors in protest??!? That’s interesting…albeit a little bit scary. One doesn’t have to be in the theatre/cinema business to agree that this kind of tactic is just helping the Big multiplexes continue to do what they’ve done all along; driving most of the smaller, more independent movie theatres out of business altogether.
On the other hand, maybe it’s not half-bad that the multiplex cinemas are beginning to play some art-house movie fare in their own cinemas, given the schlock that they play most of the time. It’s a breath of fresh air, maybe!