Admiral Twin Drive-In Screens May Be Rebuilt

posted by Ross Melnick on September 10, 2010 at 9:57 am

TULSA, OK – The owners of the Admiral Twin Drive-In, whose twin screens were recently destroyed by fire, are examining the possibility of rebuilding and reopening the five decades-old theater. The drive-in plans a number of fundraising events and, according to Tulsa World, donations can be submitted through the Select Cinemas site or by sending payment to “Admiral Twin Drive-In” at Security Bank, P.O. BOX 471316, Tulsa, OK 74147. “Any inquiries regarding fundraising ideas and opportunities can be sent to .”

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Comments (2)

KenLayton on September 10, 2010 at 10:53 am

Perhaps they could temporarily rent a huge inflatable screen to finish out their season?

hmtinc on September 10, 2010 at 4:37 pm

This Drive In has been headed down hill for many years. They have done nothing to take care of it or to bring the people in. They have used it for a cash cow for thier other theatres. That tower has been falling apart for years . Now they want people to buy then a new tower so it is no money out of thier pockets. Do like the rest of us do go to the bank or let some one else revive this Drive In. It is a sad day for Tulsa and Oklahoma.

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