5th Todd A0 festival st the Schauburg Cinema
KARLSRUHE, GERMANY — It’s that time again folks. Herbert’s 5th TODD-AO festival at the Schauburg Cinema. Full program to be confirmed.
Dear Friends,
We are now preparing the 5th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm Festival” to be held this year from 2 – 4 October 2009 at the Schauburg in Karlsruhe, Germany.This festival, dedicated to a movie format over 50 years old, is a dream for a lot of movie fans around the world. Today, movies and cinemas have reached a time of change – a change from film based to digital cinema and a change in the way movies are felt and understood. We are sure, that our “Todd-AO 70mm Festival” presented on the curved screen of the Schauburg not only will make you remember cinema-going from a time long ago, but also make you aware of the responsibility we all have: To honour the genius of so many people who have given us stories and unforgettable moments in breathtaking and crystal clear large format pictures.
Read more at In 70mm.
Comments (8)
Why isn’t this sort of thing done somewhere in the United States?
That’s a good question, Ret. AKCl(NAC) Bob Jensen. Not only should a 70mm film festival like this be done here in the United States, but it should be done as a road show, in various big cities throughout the United States, including Boston.
Ah, if only Chicago had screens like that to show 70mm.
River Oaks 9 did!
I’m fighting hard, real hard to reopen that theater.
PS: So did the McClurg Court. But thanks to the AMC 21 nearby, it sits vacant, with the building owners not knowing what to do with it.
One problem is the newer restored versions the studios will only be booked into theatres with change-over booths. Two some of these prints are leftover prints from the original release dates and foreign versions (subtitles) and faded. Three some of them belong to museuems in the country (donated by the studios). Four the simple cost of shipping them and cost to replace if damaged.
I would love to see them two but some theraes were equipped to run 70MM have taken out parts of the system for digital sound. The some of the projectors are still there in booths but the Dolby MPU units are mostly missing and newer Dolby CP units don’t support older soundtrack formats easy.
All of the projection equipment necessary for a film festival like this can be rented, so it’s not necessary that a theater still have its original projectors. For example, in Boston, we have Boston Light and Sound that rents lenses, projectors, etc. When the Wang/Citi Theater does a film premiere, Boston Light and Sound brings in the necessary equipment. Even a curved screen can be rented from somewhere. All you need is a theater and someone motivated enough to organize it. It sounds like in Germany, there’s people motivated enough to hold such a festival.
william, some validation in what you say : however : the Schauburg runs features off a cakestand in two parts on one DP 70 projector. obviously there is a lot of trust in the excellent team there.
also, there are fairly regularly shows over the States, check out the in 70 mm website .
kev p