“Flashlight” vigil held to note anniversary of Lebowsky fire
OWOSSO, MI — The Owosso Community Players, owners of the Joseph H. Lebowsky Center, held a “flashlight” vigil Wednesday night to note the 1st anniversary of the fire which destroyed their home. Because of that, the members decided that a candlelight vigil would be inappropriate. So members of the OCP and the general public brought flashlights to shine beams of light on the surviving walls of the scarred theater.
Construction to enclose the theater again is expected to begin in April or May and it’s believed that the OCP can stage shows again at the old Capitol Theatre in five years.
News stories about the anniversary and vigil can be found in the:
Argus Press at Article #1 and Article #2
as well as the Flint Journal and Flint Journal #2.
There are also news stories which include video from WJRT and WLNS.