Norwalk Theatre “Rummage” Sale/January, 2009

posted by ssteve on November 25, 2008 at 3:30 pm

The Norwalk Main Street Theatre, 57 E. Main, Norwalk, OH is going to be cleaning out our basement and upstairs in early January, 2009. We have lights, light bulbs, manual dimmer switches, BGW amps, props, signage, + many more misc. items.

If you are a collector or just want some authentic theatre items this sale is for you! You can contact Steve at . Watch Cinema Treasures for the exact date in January, 2009

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Comments (1)

arujio on December 10, 2008 at 9:50 pm

Hello: I am looking for old sound systems, such as speakers, tube amplifiers, and related parts. Please contact me if you have anything like this. My email address is:

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