Sunshine Cinema
143 E. Houston Street,
New York,
143 E. Houston Street,
New York,
40 people
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1929 photo added to gallery. Also mid `80s NYC tax photo in below link.
“The Sunshine was in no competition with the Lincoln Plaza or Paris since those two venues are in totally different parts of the city than the Sunshine.”
Really? Maybe for you. If a picture opened on more than one screen, my friends and I chose the best theater, most comfortable, best screen and sound and Lincoln Plaza Cinemas usually wasn’t it, even though I lived across the street from it for years.
“The last line is unnecessary. Yes, theatres are closed due to the Covid-19. We get it.”
Yeah, we get it today, but someone reading this thread in two years will get it too.
it was ahead of its time when it first opened and it was the first modern art house theater that gave the Angelika a run for its money not to mention the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas and Paris Theater. State of the art projection and sound before Landmark at 57th took over. Sadly the cinemas are shut due to covid 19 so people are watching more movies than ever at home.
I saw The Little Hours in the last year the theater was still existing with a friend. Never realized how tiny it was. Have they demolished it yet? Such a shame about this theater. It was absolutely lovely when I went.
does the demolition of this theater effect the
kinish bakery next door?
RIP Sunshine….
it is gone. https://ny.curbed.com/2019/8/7/20758727/sunshine-cinema-demolished-lower-east-side-east-houston?fbclid=IwAR2vSqpCcrK83IfgtwDNS51XaGTJxDxPnMki92aOP-yEyoGtE-CHB7dxkFI
I just had to gank and add that “Sunshine Sunset” graffiti shot from that article to the gallery.
Unfortunately, it appears that demolition is now underway.
Is it gonna be demolished?
Now an eyesore…
More pics of the Sunshine and nine other endangered NY buildings.
Follow up article.
Very sad…
Interesting that both the Sunshine and Lincoln Plaza will close the same day.
Nah. Rip to sunshine and lincoln plaza cinemas next year…
do we really need another upscale boutique for trendy hipsters??????????????
By next month it’s going to be history.
Only two more months and it’s gone…
It was ahead of its time.
Remember this site when it was a boarded up warehouse. No idea behind its famed past. The opening of the Sunshine was consistent with the rapid transformation and gentrification of the LES which caused shockwaves across Williamsburg & Bushwick. Will miss its neon frontage.
it’s gonna be closer to my side…