Comments from NeilShattuc

Showing 10 comments

NeilShattuc commented about Fox Belmont Theatre on Apr 11, 2004 at 1:46 pm

I saw the Sound of Music there in 1965

NeilShattuc commented about Cornell Theatre on Apr 8, 2004 at 5:20 pm

I went to Cornell the first week it opened. I remember seeing D.O.A
in a sneak preview in 1949. Edmond Obrien and others in the
cast were there. John Ireland and Joanne Dru were with him.
It was a big improvement for down town Burbank. I could see some new films with out going to Hollywood

NeilShattuc commented about Fox Cabrillo Theatre on Apr 6, 2004 at 8:12 pm

I went to the movies at the Cabrillo and Warner Grand in 1955-1956
They were real nice theaters. The Cabrillo was just a few blocks
from Beacon street and shanghai reds Bar. In late 1930 and early
1940 we would pass them going to boat harbor. I loved movies and
wanted to go all theaters I could and I am still working on it

William I like the info you give on the this web site I never could
discribe it as well. Thanks

NeilShattuc commented about Egyptian Theatre on Apr 6, 2004 at 7:25 pm

I have one question why isn’t there any mention of the monkey cages on the right hand side of the walk way up to the theater entrance also there was a wishing well at the end right of the door. They were
there late 1930’s early 1940’s

NeilShattuc commented about Egyptian Theatre on Apr 6, 2004 at 4:19 pm

Betwen 1938 and 1944 I saw just about every movie release on Hollywood Blvd. As a child gowing up I went to the movies every weekend and more during school vactions. I delivered the Hollywood Citizen News after School to get money for the movies. If the film
was released I saw it. My sister worked as a cashier and usher at the Vogue, Pantages and Apollo. The theaters were beond compare to any I ever been in and I still am a big movie goer. When I am on vacation there better be movie house. I am glad to see that someone
trying to do something to bring Hollywood back. Clean it up.

NeilShattuc commented about Holly Cinema on Apr 3, 2004 at 2:23 pm

I remember this theater as the colony 1938 to 1944

NeilShattuc commented about Fonda Theatre on Apr 3, 2004 at 2:09 pm

I am trying to remember when the theater open up. I know it was the Guild in 1947 as I saw film Ivy there with Joan Fontain

NeilShattuc commented about Paris Theatre on Apr 3, 2004 at 1:55 pm

This opened a 10:00 am on Saturday Not only the two movies you got
a serial G-Men vs The Black Dragon ( Rod Cameron ) It gave you time
catch another flim on the Blvd. The seats slid back rather than lifting Not only the Hitching post out side you had to check your Six gun(The Texan or The Texan Jr.) cap guns at the box office

NeilShattuc commented about World Theatre on Apr 3, 2004 at 1:39 pm

This is the first theater I went to. It was the Marcal then, about 1937. I remerber they had a closed room up stairs for quick smoke closed in with glass window to see the movie. Saw alot movies there
and the rest of theaters on Hollywood Blvd up to 1950

NeilShattuc commented about Star Theatre on Apr 3, 2004 at 1:20 pm

My sister was a cashier at the Apollo from 1942 to the end of the
Second World War. I went there a few times between 1939-1944.
I preferred theaters west of Gower St. It was a theater that showed
double features that had been released earlier at the larger theaters
The Blvd was nice then or I wouldn’t have been there. I was only