Comments from epparixey

Showing 6 comments

epparixey commented about Paramount Theatre on Feb 13, 2009 at 7:27 pm

Kubrick’s Spartacus will be showing at the Paramount on April 10, 2009.

epparixey commented about Bem Kino on Feb 13, 2009 at 7:23 pm

The Bem Mozi is quite small and something of a dump, but it’s steeped in history.

epparixey commented about Urania National Filmhouse on Feb 13, 2009 at 7:20 pm

Not my favorite movie house in Budapest, but it certainly has the finest architecture (a close second is Corvin).

epparixey commented about Hollywood Theater on Feb 13, 2009 at 6:26 pm

Saw my first movie at the Hollywood, before it was twinned. It’s too bad they slice up these beautiful theaters

epparixey commented about Palads Bios on Feb 13, 2009 at 1:42 am

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928) premiered in the Palads Bio on April 21, 1928. The owner at that time was also a well-known critic, and while recognizing Passion as a great film, claimed it could not appeal to the larger public. A social-democratic politician publicly challenged the Palads Bio owner, and in response, the cinema opened its doors to a free matinee for the city’s workers — 1800 watched the Passion. They were given response cards, on which they gave an overwhelmingly positive reaction. This is detailed in the excellent commentary on the Criterion DVD of Passion.

It’s a shame t

epparixey commented about Belvarosi Theater on Feb 13, 2009 at 1:20 am

Cinephile who has lived in Budapest for 3 years — and I had no idea this place existed, a shameful fact that will soon be rectified.