Photo and description credit Jam Productions, Ltd from their Facebook page.

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Tiny DavidZornig

Featured Theater

Riviera Theatre

Riviera Theatre

Chicago, IL

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Uploaded on: March 14, 2022

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Views: 584


Photo and description credit Jam Productions, Ltd from their Facebook page.

Photo and description credit Jam Productions, Ltd from their Facebook page.

PHASE 1: DISCOVERY The terracotta columns and poster frames in front of the Riviera Theatre Over the years the entrance of the Riviera Theatre has been altered many times and for decades almost everything beneath the marquee has been covered by plywood which was recently removed. And a big surprise was hiding in the vents - the poster frames designed to fit into the original terracotta columns! They had been removed for the first of several redesigns over the years that made more room to advertise upcoming shows. Up until the early 80s when the Riviera Theatre still showed films, these wooden frames would showcase the new films being released.

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