It appears the building was damaged by fire and has been boarded up ever since. A planning application for conversion {you’ve guessed it flats} has been approved.
A Youtube channel [comedyhunter] has posted a new video showing the progress of the redevelopment of the Becket Well area of Derby. At about 1min 50 you can see the original stepping’s of the cinema now all the Pennine Hotel demolition rubble has gone.
A planning application No 22/00482/FUL has been lodged with the city council to turn the former dressing rooms at the rear of the building on Osmaston Road into a 10 bed HMO. Currently these are rooms are used by the restaurant staff. The application states that there will be no access to the restaurant from the HMO.
The front still stands, All of the auditorium was demolished. Using the pictures from the photo section and Google maps the auditorium ran parallel to the entrance. The photo that shows what could be the remains of the fly tower are possibly part of the entrance to the auditorium.
This evening there was a fire in the kitchen area, the building was evacuated , no one hurt and the fire extinguished very quickly. Fire brigade on scene and ventilating the building.
commented about
Jan 6, 2020 at 3:54 pm
There appears to be a major fire at this building.
As part of the renovation work, the rear wall of the fly tower all 625 tons was successfully moved back about 35 ft. There is a time lapse video online showing the move.
Two screenshots from a video showing the gutted interior
It appears the building was damaged by fire and has been boarded up ever since. A planning application for conversion {you’ve guessed it flats} has been approved.
Also a video on TikTok shows the inside has been gutted back to brick
A picture on the interwebs shows the ENTIRE roof has now been removed.
A report on BBC news, the building has been striped internaly and demolition will start soon. clowncil got it’s 30 pieces of silver.
A report on BBC news, The Cinema has been added to the buildings at risk register
According to Google street view, around July 2019 the Bingo club had been demolished, the whole site fenced off.
A Youtube channel [comedyhunter] has posted a new video showing the progress of the redevelopment of the Becket Well area of Derby. At about 1min 50 you can see the original stepping’s of the cinema now all the Pennine Hotel demolition rubble has gone.
A planning application No 22/00482/FUL has been lodged with the city council to turn the former dressing rooms at the rear of the building on Osmaston Road into a 10 bed HMO. Currently these are rooms are used by the restaurant staff. The application states that there will be no access to the restaurant from the HMO.
As part of the redevelopment of the area, the Pennine Hotel and the area that housed this cinema has now been demolished.
The front still stands, All of the auditorium was demolished. Using the pictures from the photo section and Google maps the auditorium ran parallel to the entrance. The photo that shows what could be the remains of the fly tower are possibly part of the entrance to the auditorium.
I have just watched a Youtube video that shows the demolition of this cinema.. The description says it’s to be replaced with housing.
Recent report in The Derby Evening Telegraph. Building set to be demolished and replaced with a car dealership and associated facilities
All branding has been removed and the cinema has closed and will not reopen, Report in the Derby Evening Telegraph.
This picture is in the W W Winters book of Derby, There is also a photo of the original auditorium as of when it opened .
According to Google street view, the cinema has now been demolished and turned into a car park.
This evening there was a fire in the kitchen area, the building was evacuated , no one hurt and the fire extinguished very quickly. Fire brigade on scene and ventilating the building.
There appears to be a major fire at this building.
From various sources, there has been a major fire at this building.
As part of the renovation work, the rear wall of the fly tower all 625 tons was successfully moved back about 35 ft. There is a time lapse video online showing the move.
It appears that this building is not secure, There is a new report on The Derelict places website. The explorers found easy access to the building.
Just uploaded a picture that shows a cut away of the Odeon.
A report in the Derby Telegraph, raided by local police as they find a suspected cannabis farm.
On their Facebook page was a report about a recent arson attack. In the stalls area of the building.
A couple of pictures of the devastation. “Ready for the property developers”