Movie Theaters Operating as a Classic Movies
Showing 1 - 30 of 762 open movie theaters
All Theaters (763)Open (762)Showing Movies (10)Closed (1)Demolished (0)Restoring (15)Renovating (13)
Name | Location | Status | ↑ Screens |
Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxe... | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | Open | 0 |
Orion | Helsinki, Finland | Open | 1 |
Black Rock Bijou | Black Rock Desert, NV, United States | Open | 1 |
Cinecenta | Victoria, Canada | Open | 1 |
Picture House | Holywood, United Kingdom | Open | 1 |
Three Lakes Center For the Arts | Three Lakes, WI, United States | Open | 1 |
Silver Theater | Seoul, South Korea | Open | 1 |
Cinema Arsenale | Pisa, Italy | Open | 1 |
Stadt Kino | Basel, Switzerland | Open | 1 |
Bibliotheque du Cinema Francois ... | Paris, France | Open | 1 |
Paul Greengrass Cinema | Gravesend, United Kingdom | Open | 1 |
Flagey Cinematheque | Brussels, Belgium | Open | 1 |
Rooftop Cinema | Melbourne, Australia | Open | 1 |
Brotfabrik Kino | Berlin, Germany | Open | 1 |
Vogue Cinema | Sackville, Canada | Open | 1 |
Forum Cinema | Northampton, United Kingdom | Open | 1 |
Screen @ the Square | Witney, United Kingdom | Open | 1 |
Cinematheque | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | Open | 1 |
Backdoor Theater | Nederland, CO, United States | Open | 1 |
Saffron Screen | Saffron Walden, United Kingdom | Open | 1 |
Limelight Cinema | Dudley, United Kingdom | Open | 1 |
CineSpace at Segal Centre | Montreal, Canada | Open | 1 |
Syndicated Theater | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Open | 1 |
Highlands Playhouse | Highlands, NC, United States | Open | 1 |
Bay Street Theater | Sag Harbor, NY, United States | Open | 1 |
Filmhuis Cavia | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Open | 1 |
Griffith Film Theater at Bryan C... | Durham, NC, United States | Open | 1 |
Riklis Theater | Astoria, NY, United States | Open | 1 |
Willingham Theatre | Yadkinville, NC, United States | Open | 1 |
Z-inema & Z Bar | Berlin, Germany | Open | 1 |