Comments from markp

Showing 1,326 - 1,350 of 1,766 comments

markp commented about Industry innovations on Dec 12, 2008 at 4:14 am

How about in most policy trailers, they ask for silence and no texting or cell phones. Now we can text, next we’ll be able to talk, then they can just close down the whole damn industry.

markp commented about Continuous Movies on Dec 11, 2008 at 8:54 pm

Ahh, the good old days. Give me this anytime over what we have today.

markp commented about Woodbridge General Cinemas II on Dec 11, 2008 at 8:06 pm

As of today, Dec 11, 2008, there is a lot of heavy machinery around the building. The entire west side of the building has been demolished, showing the exposed steel beams.
Rest in peace Woodbridge.
Walter Reade must be turning over in his grave.
Another treasure gone, even though the building hasnt housed a cinema since 1992, it was always my hope it could be returned to its former glory.
Now it will forever be a memory, like so many before it.

markp commented about Laemmle Through The Decades: 1938-2008 ~ 70 Years In 7 Days, Dec. 12-18 on Dec 11, 2008 at 3:53 pm

Reel-to-reel and 35MM. Just the way it should be. Love it!

markp commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Dec 11, 2008 at 3:51 pm

As I said above, I posted right after vito’s assessment of the movie. I did not see anything wrong with it. He just didn’t like it. No big deal. Freedom of speech, we’re all supposed to have it, but I guess…

markp commented about Regal in the news on Dec 11, 2008 at 3:40 pm

I would like for that to happen too tom, but National has already closed at least 3 multiplexes in the past 3 years here in New Jersey. The Amboys, (due to a major floor collapse in the lobby), the All-Jersey in Newark and Atco. And everytime I drive somewhere in the state, all I see is Regal and AMC. We dont need them 2 to get any bigger. Together they are everything thats wrong with the movie theatres today. newt up above worries about the future, so do I, but I also worry about the present. Things with this economy could hit this business hard, and then you’ll see every big chain have problems, which is why I think its going to be hard for Redstone to unload National.

markp commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Dec 11, 2008 at 3:26 pm

Hello Ziegfeld Man,

How have you been? Its been a while…

I know how Vito Feels. I posted a response to his comment of TDTESS, and it to was removed. I ’ve only been a part of CT half as long as you guys, but I guess I did something wrong.

I also hope vito stays, since I know him personally, and consider him a dear friend. Hope you get some cool classics to watch and introduce at the Zieg.

markp commented about Norway's first all-digital multiplex opens on Dec 10, 2008 at 3:20 pm

Opening all digital…hope they know what their getting themselves into.

markp commented about Showcase Cinemas Orange on Dec 10, 2008 at 2:55 pm

Most likely.

markp commented about Showcase Cinemas Orange on Dec 10, 2008 at 3:29 am

Not a chance. They are under too much of their own debt burden to take on anymore.

markp commented about Help needed: Movie listings for Central Jersey Theatres! on Dec 9, 2008 at 5:12 am

Hi verranth1, you know me, movie534. I will try to see if I can contact anyone I worked with, and see if they have this info. No guarantees however, because most of these people I have not seen in over 15 years. I know yesterday i left on the site what I could remember, but you thats far from perfect.

markp commented about Redstone to possibly sell NA on Dec 7, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Inside industry rumors are that just this week, after the above announcement was made, that National canned all the division managers in the company, in an effort to stem the bleeding. And as far as any of the larger chains, AMC or Regal taking it over, I think CTCrouch is on track. It would be divided among many, because AMC and Regal are almost at their braking point as far as debt-load is concerned. And dont forget, a lot of these theatres sit on company owned property, something Sumner Redstone did years ago, when he converted all his drive-ins to multi’s. The land value alone could help to ease Nationals debt, if it sells the buildings to any developers.

markp commented about 3D sports could be next big thing on Dec 7, 2008 at 1:36 pm

I guess right now they are trying to gauge how this goes over. But my guess would be that in the future, it would be used for bigger events, like say an all-star game, or the super bowl, or college bowl games. To use this sort of thing for average everyday games seems to me like it would get old in a hurry.

markp commented about Delaware's last drive-in closes on Dec 6, 2008 at 5:58 am

So first New Jersey was the only state that did not have a drive-in, then the Delsea in South Jersey reopened after like 20 years. Now Delawre will be the only state without a drive-in. What a shame, that land and costs are making it so prohibitive from these venues being able to survive anymore.

markp commented about Redstone to possibly sell NA on Dec 6, 2008 at 5:55 am

It is true that National closed some of their aging multiplexes here in New Jersey. Newark was just a bad location, it was only 15 years old when it closed. Amboys closed because of a caved in floor in the main lobby. At least it was 27 years old when it closed. As I stated on other posts here on CT, having worked for them, I felt for years that General Cinema and National Amusements were the 2 best chains that were. But in the past few years when I did work for National in New York, I could see the changes. Too many of the people I knew were gone, or close to leaveing. And Redstone didnt help by not letting his daughter run the company. If she had total control, things would probably be different.

markp commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 6, 2008 at 5:45 am

I do agree with LuisV, although I am a little luckier. My wife is working on the show, and I had free tickets early in November. I took my 75 year old mother, who up till then had never been inside the music hall. ( Her and my father had been to the Roxy in the 50’s). What a great time she had, and the joy on her face said it all.

markp commented about 70/70: Laemmle 70th Anniversary Series on Dec 4, 2008 at 5:06 pm

This is how films SHOULD be presented. This is totally cool. I wish this could come to New York City area.

markp commented about Searching for theater to Lease on Dec 4, 2008 at 5:03 pm

As well as the 2800 seat Ritz theatre in Elizabeth N.J. Just off a complete refurbish to its original 1920’s glory.

markp commented about 3D sports could be next big thing on Dec 4, 2008 at 5:02 pm

This will be sort of a throw back to the 1970’s, when many of the remaining large theatres would show closed circuit fights. Of couse that lasted a few years, and eventually those theatres were either split into several screens, or demolished.

markp commented about Digital Projection Not Always Perfect on Dec 3, 2008 at 3:41 am

What’s this?? Justin the biggest of the ‘I love digital’ fans says a digital movie was blurry because he sat to close to the screen?? I guess that means that when all the theatres have digital in a few years (perish the thought) that the first say 10 rows cant be sold because the picture will be blurry. Don’t seem to have that problem with good old 35 or 70MM. Makes you wonder…

What do you think Cinemark?? How about you vito?? Never mind…I know what you all think…and I couldn’t agree more.

markp commented about Conneaut Plaza Theatres reopens under new management on Dec 2, 2008 at 2:20 pm

Hey newt, I did a google map search, and this place is not to far from where I was for thanksgiving. My aunt lives near Akron, which is southwest from this place. It is located right near lake erie.

markp commented about Digital Projection Not Always Perfect on Dec 2, 2008 at 2:08 pm

Just to add to what my good friend vito said, and man did he hit the nail on the head, but what about how all these film companies dont want to strike any more new prints for revival houses. I have had the pleasure of running reel-to-reel on occasion, and let me tell you, it is great to be able to make those changeovers so seamlessly. (I’m sure vito would agree) But without any new 35MM prints being struck, I’m afraid revival houses are going to go the way of the covered wagon. Because we all know, none of them will spend the money it takes to convert to digital, and they only use it a handfull of times a year. And THAT gets a BAAA HUMBUG!!!!!

markp commented about Conneaut Plaza Theatres reopens under new management on Dec 2, 2008 at 5:03 am

I did not mean it in a bad way newt. I meant you could probaly go out there and really make the place work. These people are learning from the prior management who screwed it up in the first place.

markp commented about Conneaut Plaza Theatres reopens under new management on Dec 2, 2008 at 4:15 am

You go newt!!!

markp commented about Digital Projection Not Always Perfect on Dec 2, 2008 at 4:05 am

I LOVE it. I have been saying, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!!! But all I get are comments how this digital crap is going to be the end all be all. Go ahead, go see your movies in digital. Me, I’ll stick with good old 35MM. Actually 70MM would be even better!!!