3D sports could be next big thing

posted by danpetitpas on December 4, 2008 at 3:45 pm

Sporting events in 3D could be the next big thing as a company called 3ality Digital is coordinating a test broadcast of the NFL’s Thursday Night Football game in 3-D on Dec. 4th.

The game will be beamed via satellite to the Mann Chinese 6 in Hollywood, and theaters in Boston and New York.

3ality was behind the recent U2 3D concert film. Technicolor Digital Cinema is providing the satellite transponder time and digital downlink services.

Read more in The Hollywood Reporter.

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Comments (12)

markp on December 4, 2008 at 5:02 pm

This will be sort of a throw back to the 1970’s, when many of the remaining large theatres would show closed circuit fights. Of couse that lasted a few years, and eventually those theatres were either split into several screens, or demolished.

moviebuff82 on December 4, 2008 at 7:47 pm

I first heard that story too. Too bad these events are closed to the public and only press are allowed. Wish I was one of them and attended the event rather than not watching it without the NFL Network, which is televising the game as well as local stations in the San Diego and Oakland areas. At least I’ll check online, as both teams are struggling to make the playoffs. This isn’t the first time an NFL game was shown in 3D, that would go to the 2004 Super Bowl between the Pats and Cats, which was shown shortly after the game was live. Maybe sometime if the Giants make the playoffs, I could see it at my local AMC in Rockaway!!!

MPol on December 5, 2008 at 5:46 am

The recent Harvard vs. Yale game was on at both the Brattle Theatre, and then the Coolidge Theatre recently. So, yeah, I guess 3-D Sports, as well as sports being shown on an ordinary big screen movie theatre is another order of the day.

KingBiscuits on December 5, 2008 at 6:14 am

No wonder why it was a closed event: it was a Chargers/Raiders game! Have it been the Patriots or the Giants playing, it would have been huge news.

I also remember that last year, one of the NBA Finals games was screened in 3-D in Cleveland at the Quicken Loans Arena to rave reviews.

Meanwhile, the one sport I’d love to see in 3-D is wrestling. It’s all about gimmicks so why not include a gimmick that works?

BobFurmanek on December 5, 2008 at 2:29 pm

3-D and sports are nothing new. We recently discovered the long-lost Marciano/Walcott 3-D newsreel from 1953! http://3dfilmpreservationfund.net/

moviebuff82 on December 5, 2008 at 7:46 pm

Next thing u know, there will be 3-D football, baseball, basketball, and hockey!!! I can’t wait to see my Yankees in 3-D without ever paying a ticket or getting stuck in traffic to the stadium!!!

moviebuff82 on December 6, 2008 at 3:01 pm

Not only the game was shown in 3D theaters, but it was also shown online at the league’s website. The score of the game was Chargers 34, Raiders 7.

markp on December 7, 2008 at 1:36 pm

I guess right now they are trying to gauge how this goes over. But my guess would be that in the future, it would be used for bigger events, like say an all-star game, or the super bowl, or college bowl games. To use this sort of thing for average everyday games seems to me like it would get old in a hurry.

moviebuff82 on December 7, 2008 at 1:51 pm

I agree. The only everday games that matter are the rivalry ones. Fox Sports recently signed with 150 theaters to show the college bowl games in 3D live. It won’t be soon before a world series of power or a ufc match comes to a theater near you!!!

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