Industry innovations
posted by
Michael Zoldessy
December 11, 2008 at 7:55 am
The Wall Street Journal discusses some new technology being launched soon for the movie business.
Get ready for a lot more ways to catch a movie.
Hollywood studios and tech companies are rolling out a host of innovations that will change the way we experience films at home and in theaters. They’ve already begun to serve up DVDs that let you chat with other people who are watching the same movie. They’re also sprucing up theaters with crystal-clear screens and amenities like cozier seats and restaurant-quality food.
Comments (11)
how about Charging less than $10,00 to get in and no more 6.00 popcorn,and 5.00soda.
Good Questions and points, Lost Memory, movies10063 and longislandmovies. Your points are well taken. WHY anybody would want to text/chat while watching a movie….beats me. I sure wouldn’t.
It’s agreed, the concession stands and general admission, unless one holds a membership to a movie palace, is rather expensive, to boot.
This whole thing sounds like a good way to eventually kill off the movie business entirely. Just my opinion.
How about in most policy trailers, they ask for silence and no texting or cell phones. Now we can text, next we’ll be able to talk, then they can just close down the whole damn industry.
People are sending text messages in cinemas from their cellphones all the time, so why not let them do this from the ease and comfort of their own couch at home so they don’t have to bother other patrons in a cinema?
Nothing in the article isn’t really new, or hasn’t already been talked about. Small beamers in cellphones and the likes, interactive options in BDs, etc. Also, you should know that today’s kids don’t do a single thing at one time, they are permanently multitasking, and for them this is a normal way of undergoing movies, music, TV, the internet, social gatherings, or even class. I see this every day. Times are a Changin', my friends.
And NOT for the better.
Go back to 100 foot screens to overwhelm people. The ways movies should be seen.
I’m sorry to say Lost, but in todays society, yes, using a “telephone” is old fashioned. I’m with you, heck I still use my CB radio, but, today its blackberries, blueberries and whatever else is the hot item of the day. I was told about 10 years ago by an executive with General Cinema, that I was a dinosaur, because I was a union projectionist.
There you go…
Wow, the A.D.D./I WANT IT NOW!! generation strikes yet again!
I tell ya, there’s never been a greater time for a new 65MM production.
Must get Spielberg to shoot “Lincoln” in 65MM
Our problem with teens today is that they are bored with life if they can’t play with their cellphones! They totally lack concentration.
It’s about time that ALL cinemas, both private and chain, display a large sign in the lobby regarding policy -especially cellphones and enforce it, by tossing the irritating offenders out without a refund.
Better still, install signal jamming devices in every theater so we can all watch a movie without seeing that infuriating little white cell screen!!!