Celebrating Iowa’s Historic Theatres

posted by ThrHistoricalSociety on November 12, 2015 at 8:11 am


Iowa has a unique and interesting way to celebrate and document their historic theatres, including a gallery of theatre images and a map to locate them around the state. You can also enjoy a great slideshow of over 100 historic theatres in Iowa: http://www.preservationiowa.org/hollywood/

Preservation Iowa is partnering with the State Historic Preservation Office globe icon, Main Street Iowa globe icon, and the Iowa Tourism Office globe icon to learn more about Iowa’s movie houses and the state’s connections to Hollywood. This will be a multi-year, multi-phase project concentrating primarily on properties built for or associated with the movies before 1970. As the project gets going, our movie theater pages will be updated to reflect the results.


You can participate in the State Iowa Historical Society of Iowa’s Historic Theatre Survey:


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ABOUT THEATRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA: Founded by Ben Hall in 1969, the Theatre Historical Society of America (THS) celebrates, documents and promotes the architectural, cultural and social relevance of America’s historic theatres. Through its preservation of the collections in the American Theatre Architecture Archive, its signature publication Marquee™ and Conclave Theatre Tour, THS increases awareness, appreciation and scholarly study of America’s theatres.

Learn more about historic theatres on our website at historictheatres.org

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