Digital projectors for sale for $35K!

posted by Michael Zoldessy on November 20, 2012 at 8:00 am


NEC Digital Cinemas has two slightly used (offlease) digital projectors that came from a recently closed cinema in Oklahoma. They’re looking for $35K each and would provide an exhibitor financing over 5 or 6 years, making the payments manageable.

Below are the specs

Two (2) Pre-Owned NEC NC1600C-A Digital Cinema Projectors (specifications below) • NEC NC1600C-A Digital Cinema Projector • Lens: 1.90-3.25 NEC1600C NEC-60LS19Z-71.1mm • Mounting rack USL DAX-RAX • Digital Base Assy Blue • Top Kit NEC NC1600C Base with 4/ Doors • D to A Converter USL DAX-602

• NEC NC1600C-A Digital Cinema Projector • Lens: 1.4-2.05 NEC1600C NEC-60LS14Z 31.2-45.6mm • Mounting rack USL DAX-RAX • Digital Base Assy Blue • Top Kit NEC NC1600C Base with 4/ Doors • D to A Converter USL DAX-602

Please Contact Palma Rizzi: (800)451-5361 Ext 314 for any inquiries or questions.

Comments (4)

Austin Klososky
Austin Klososky on November 20, 2012 at 9:48 am

I have a hunch these are from the Dickinson (Now AMC) Penn Square 10 in OKC, and when I say hunch I mean I’m like 99% sure.

JoelWeide on November 20, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Interesting, that was the first place I thought of when I saw the article. I’m quite sure that you are 99.999999% right.

CSWalczak on November 20, 2012 at 6:05 pm

I hope these end up in a small, independent theater that is struggling to survive in the face of the need to convert to digital instead of being acquired by one of the big chains for use in one of their smaller screening rooms.

reelmotionpicturecinemas on August 8, 2013 at 4:56 am

Hello, im an independent, small theatre and looking for a used projector. Do you still have these – or does anyone know of anyone who has any used DLP?

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