Fundraising event for new drive-in to be
TUCSON, AZ — On Saturday evening July 16, a drive-in movie will be shown to the public for the first time since 2009 when the DeAnza (formerly Cactus Drive-In) closed for business, at the new Cactus Drive-in Theatre Foundation’s temporary location.
The Cactus Drive-In Theatre Foundation, Inc. is a new non-profit corporation organized to rebuild a community oriented drive-in theatre in Tucson.
The temporary location for the Cactus Drive-in is on the Avenida Del Convento just south of the Mercado San Augustin building. (http://mercadosanagustin.com/) It is located just west of I-10 on Congress and then south on Avenida Del Covento.
It is expected to be an exciting night since this will be the beginning of a new community drive-in for Tucson. This event will be the first of a series of fundraisers to help make The Cactus Drive-In Theatre a reality. They will be showing a family type film enjoyable by all ages as well as a memorable cartoon from the past, a nostalgic historic intermission presentation and a short video on the organizations progress and plans for the future
More details of the fares, opening time and the film selection will be given in the next few weeks. They expect a large turnout showing the community’s support for this new vision for the future. Posters and flyers about the event will be seen in the near future around town.
A group of dedicated volunteers have been working for over 15 months toward their goal. Hundreds of thousands of Tucsonans have enjoyed the “drive-in experience” with their families and the new organization is dedicated to bringing that experience back to Tucson. During this time they have removed the saved historic Cinemascope screen from the DeAnza property and placed it in secure storage, created a large facebook following; a blog site, created an exciting web page, established a non-profit corporation: Cactus Drive-In Theatre Foundation, Inc. and have been actively pursuing a permanent location. They not only have a large support from the Tucson community but popular support from city business and government leaders.
Comments (1)
Good luck guys.