Non-profit group acquires Corpus Christi’s Ritz Theatre

posted by CSWalczak on February 4, 2011 at 3:45 pm

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX — The organization known as the Corpus Chisti Positive Action Toward Culture Heritage (CCPATCH) has been given the title to the Ritz Theatre which opened in 1929 and closed in 1989. CCPATCH jas been heavily involved in fund raising for several years to reopen and restore the theater which was a movie theater and then a venue for live music.

The timing of the donation is a culmination of the city’s renewed interest in revitalizing downtown and the nonprofit’s work to establish a business plan for the theater, said Monica Sawyer, president of the nonprofit Positive Action Toward Culture Heritage, known as Corpus Christi PATCH.

“We are incredibly grateful for the chance to move forward,” Sawyer said.

The story is at

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