Come for the smut, but stay for the classics
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Michael Zoldessy
December 16, 2011 at 7:50 am
BROOKLYN, NY — The Brooklyn Paper did an interesting feature on the unique programming model of the Cinema Kings Highway. Taking advantage of a loophole in the city’s rules on adult establishments, they are able to show adult films on one screen while they present standard classics on another. All of this sets the stage for a very interesting mix of clientele.
Comments (3)
This was done back in the 1980’s at the Lakewood Twin in Los Angeles.
Also being done at the Fair Theatre in Queens, for several years now.
For decades, countless kids buy tickets for the Disney feature then sneak into the “X” rated auditorium. Keeping the under-age audience members out of the “adult” flicks will require an usher to verify the correct ticket before allowing entry. And WHO will pay for the extra door person to keep things legal? Exactly!