Imax, Cinemark settle issues regarding big-screen formats
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January 13, 2011 at 7:45 am
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Imax Corporation and Cinemark Theatres have settled a lawsuit regarding Cinemark’s XD format and IMAX’s digital theatres. The result is that Cinemark will upgrade its film-based IMAX theaters to the digital version while installing Digital IMAX screens at some of its theaters.
Comments (6)
Talk about spinning a bunch of baloney, my goodness. “upgrade” to digital from 15/70mm?? There is so much wrong with that statement I do not even know where to begin.
This is not an informative article. What was the lawsuit about?
Here are links to some articles that address your question, Ron:
1) http://tinyurl.com/2wlloa2
2) http://tinyurl.com/62vovu4
3) http://tinyurl.com/4r6zd8k
To the best of my knowledge the XD format was created in response to IMAX’s once strict policy of granting exclusive zone licenses to an exhibitor, this is why AMC runs all the IMAX theaters in Manhattan and Regal built converted an auditorium to RPX across from an AMC IMAX. AMC couldn’t get an IMAX at Younge & Dundas and thus they launched ETX. IMAX has since relaxed restrictions, if they are unable to get an exhibitor to agree to their terms they allow another exhibitor to build an IMAX (in Canada they couldn’t agree with Cineplex, who has its own Ultra AVX and had inherited IMAX sites from Famous Players – so they let AMC build an IMAX at Younge & Dundas after all).
Virtually all, I think except Carmike had IMAX installs or agreements with IMAX, rather telling is Cinemark had only film prints, which explained why their IMAX in Rochester was unable to get new bookings on break (I think Toy Story 3 came late, or not at all). My favorite description I remember reading was that a Rave Motion Pictures Fallen Timbers they kept saying they were building an “IMAX like screen” – an article then cited that negotiations with IMAX kept them from revealing if it was going to be IMAX branded or not, this became one of their first Rave Revue screens.
Not much of an article. I, myself can’t figure what it’s about.
that’s terrible news, the point of Cinemark’s XD screens was that other non-IMAX release films could get the big screen treatment, it also served a purpose when a @#$%ty IMAX movie didn’t hog a screen for two to three weeks time (i.e, ‘Sanctum’)