A family’s dedication keeps the Denver area’s last drive-in going

posted by CSWalczak on September 16, 2010 at 3:50 pm

COMMERCE CITY, CO – The 88 Drive-in is the last of its kind in the the greater Denver area, and its survival is due to the dedication of the Kochevar family that has owned it since 1976. They worry, though, that the crushing cost of converting to digital projection may be fatal to the theater’s future.

Patrons say they enjoy the 88 because it’s cheap, family-friendly entertainment.

“I think a lot of people come here looking for something they lost a long time ago,” said Kyleen Kochevar, 16, who operates the ticket booth on the thin dirt road leading to the 88. “It’s a back-to-the-future thing.”

There is more in the Denver Post.

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