New theatre in Mid-Wilshire in LA!!!
LOS ANGELES, CA — CGV Cinemas in Los Angeles is the first American branch of the South Korean multiplex chain, CJ CGV.
Unique to CJ’s line of theaters, premium seating, 4D effects, rewards membership programs, and emphasis on customer value and care provide key differentiating factors that keep our patrons returning to CGV theaters. For the first cinema complex in the United States, CGV Cinemas in LA aims to reproduce these services by offering similar features specially designed to serve.
Tailored to suit the diverse and artistically rich tastes of Los Angelenos, CGV at Madang presents a global spectrum of films, featuring Hollywood hits as well as spotlighting the burgeoning market of Asian motion pictures. Focusing mostly on Korean and US, CGV’s projection lineup promises to include groundbreaking blockbusters and influential pieces made across the globe.
Here at CGV, our staff and management constantly look for new ways to improve quality and customer service, and in line with our affiliated CJ production and distribution companies, we hope to provide our patrons with the best in cinema entertainment for years to come.
We proudly introduce exclusive benefits our valued customers can enjoy only at CGV: Free membership you can sign up online gives you $1 off discount on all ticket purchases, free Wi-Fi at Cine Cafe and our patio, best sound proof digital multiplex in town, discount price on all movie tickets in the morning, premium seatings, free parking, and many more!!
We are located at 21 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90005. Hurry in and become the part the whole new experience!!!
Comments (6)
4D Effects?!
What are the auditoriums equipped with? Wind? Fire? D-BOX seats?
Watch for water mist from the ceiling. I hope they make the cinemas semi large not the tiny small screens many art type theatres have still going in the LA area. Bring on the showmanship,curtains,food, lights and fancy sound the people will pay extra for a new experience that they are not seeing now in Southern CA. Just heard the new Dolby 7.1 system in the Delmar Theatre Santa Cruz CA and wow what a great surround sound experience. How many more channels will they come up with. Good luck to this new CGV Theatre company, show us what Mann, AMC, Regal and Landmark Theatres won’t do and get our movie money.
Sounds exciting. How about opening a plex like this in the Washington DC market. LA has enough first rate venues to see movies. We could use at least one or two. With youth predominately employed in movieplexes these days, I am curious how your superior customer service is going to work out given the fact most are apathetic to work, much less the meaning of ‘good’ customer service. :P
Sounds exciting. How about opening a plex like this in the Washington DC market. LA has enough first rate venues to see movies. We could use at least one or two. With youth predominately employed in movieplexes these days, I am curious how your superior customer service is going to work out given the fact most are apathetic to work, much less know the meaning of ‘good’ customer service. :P
Someone please tell me… What is so wrong with reopening the lovely old and historic (art deco) Wilshire Theatre by adjoining more auditoriums to current and now closed building?
People with foresight in the U.S. Navy port city of Alameda, Ca., did just this, and successfully, to the historic Alameda Theatre.
I’m sure D.C. will eventually be in line for this type of theatre. I believe Los Angeles was picked as a testing ground. If it doesn’t succeed in Los Angeles it won’t be expanded to other cities.