Film crew seeking interviews for documentary on historic theaters

posted by danimbrogno on July 1, 2010 at 3:41 pm

Loose Wire Productions is scheduling interviews and location visits for a documentary on historic theatres. They are specifically hoping to hear from theatre owners that are having problems due to the economic crisis, natural disasters, mounting repair costs, low ticket sales, increased competition, etc.

Industry experts such as bookers, film programmers and architects are also encouraged to contact the production team. The purpose of the documentary is to encourage the viewer to seek out the independent and historic theatres near them and become involved in preservation activities in their community.

Many theatres are closed and/or demolished each year. It is the production team hopes they will be able to assist in the preservation of at least one at-risk theatres.

Please visit Loose Wire Productions for more information or .

Comments (3)

karlyjm on July 1, 2010 at 7:00 pm

The Elmwood Theater (Palace Cinema) was just hit by a tornado that damaged it so bad that they may have to tear it down and rebuild. It’s in downtown Elmwood, a smalltown of less than 1000 people, and has been there since 1914. I think that would be a good theatre to look into. I work for the owner at another one of his locations. I’m not sure how he’d feel about being interviewed or anything..

k8carroll on August 20, 2010 at 8:21 pm

The Virginia Theater in Champaign, Illinois was built in 1921. A classic movie palace, The Virginia Theater was also used as a vaudeville venue and has been a performance venue for many years. They are trying to restore and rennovate the theater, but funding is limited and they are trying to be innovative with events that will encourage audiences. They are a venue for classic films and some current films. The Champaign Urbana Theater Company performs an average of four musical productions a year at the Virginia Theater. There are also a few other, smaller movie theaters in the area. Some of them show a combination of classic and independent films.

k8carroll on August 20, 2010 at 8:24 pm

The Alhambra Theater in Hopkinsville, Kentucky was built in the 1920s. It was a classic movie house, but also was used by the vaudeville circuit. The Alhambra was in continuous use as a movie theater until the 1980s. Threatened by the developments of cineplexes, the Pennyroyal Arts Council took over The Alhambra. Today it is a performance venue showing plays and musical acts.

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