Canal Place Cinemas gets major makeover, new name

posted by CSWalczak on June 2, 2010 at 10:49 am

NEW ORLEANS, LA — The Canal Place Cinemas re-opened on May 26 as The Theatres at Canal Place. Southern Theatres, which took the theater over from Landmark last year, has basically given the place a gut rehab, redesigning the floor plan and enlarging the footprint by adding space from the food court to create a fifth screening room. It is, at least for now, an 18+ theater as bar and café service is available along with improved seating and digital projection (one cinema will still be equipped for 35mm though).

Soon after Southern Theatres assumed the lease from Landmark Theatres last September, the aging multiplex was closed and “stripped to the girders” in preparation for the facelift, Southern Theatres owner George Solomon said.

The old cloth seats were replaced with high-back leather rockers. Risers were added to provide a “gentle” stadium seating configuration, improving sight lines. New screens, new projectors and new audio systems were installed. The familiar box office was torn out, replaced with a pair of electronic ticketing kiosks.

“Everything people used to tell me they didn’t like about the old Canal Place, it’s been changed,” Jones said.

The full story is in the Times-Picayune.

The new official website is:

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