Preservationists hoping to win landmark status for Pasadena’s Washington Theater
PASADENA, CA — They did not succeed in saving the more elegant Raymond Theater but Pasadena preservationists are now seeking landmark designation for the 1924 Washington Theater that ended its movie exhibition days as the Cinema 21. The building has been vacant for several years, having suffered earthquake damage in 1994. The city council may consider the landmarking petition next month.
Now, Pasadena Heritage and the Pasadena Neighborhood Coalition are banking that their nomination of the property for listing as a city historic landmark will help promote its long-term survival.
It has been declared eligible by city staff, and the City Council is expected to consider its listing next month, said Vicrim Chima of Pasadena’s planning department.
The property is tied in with the city’s earliest commercial history, Mossman said, and its place in a prominent corner of an emerging shopping and retail center in the 1920s is enough to support its historic designation.
There is more in the Pasadena Star News.