Fragment of famed Ziegfeld Theater shows up on E. 80th Street
NEW YORK, NY The figure of a goddess carved in limestone that is alleged to be from the front of the former Ziegfeld Theater in NYC has been noted in a yard in front of a building on E. 80th Street in NYC according to this story.
How did it come to be here? Apparently, 52 East 80th was once owned by Jerry Hammer, a theatrical producer. In the 1960s, he was riding past the Ziegfeld in a car with developer Zachary Fisher, who mentioned he was tearing it down. Hammer jokingly asked if he could have one of the limestone heads. Four months later, he heard noises outside of his Upper East Side home – it was a truck lowering the head by crane into his front yard. Hammer moved out of the place in 1998 but left the head behind.
Read the full story in the Huffington Post.
Comments (1)
Thank god it wasn’t the current one that people go to today.