New group formed to rescue abandoned Miami Valley movie theaters

posted by RichardMartin on July 20, 2009 at 7:50 am

DAYTON, OH — NOUVEAU CINEMA GROUP INC. (NCGI) is, as its name suggests, a new 501 c 3 non-rofit arts oriented corporation, the brain-child of Richard Alan Mendel-Martin, of Dayton, OH, George Katchmer, esq, of Yellow Springs, OH, and Kendra Neargarder, also of Dayton, OH. “We are dedicated to the preservation, restoration and management of culturally significant theatrical venues and the presentation of quality retrospective and new world cinema,” according to Martin, NCGI Executive Director.

In addition, NCGI envisions an educational outreach to the community which would include but not be limited to master classes/seminar series dealing with film history, production, arts and management. A multi-tiered Film Society would offer educational and entertainment opportunities to various, specialized groups and demographics. “Additionally,” according to Martin, “our proposed scholarship/grant program would provide funding for students interested in pursuing a career in the cinema arts with additional funding for other local, national and international, non-profit arts projects. All envisioned services would be made available at minimal cost to the individual patron.

According to Katchmer “The group is presently in negotiations for an existing theater in the Dayton, Ohio area but the negotiations are on-going. This venue would be an ideal "starting point” while requiring some renovation, it is situated at a location easily accessible to all parts of the county, Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati. We plan to offer the community a wide variety of cinematic entertainment including, but not limited to, both foreign and domestic films, as well as quality experimental and independently produced cinema. All would be presented at as low an admission price as feasible, making these films available to as many people as possible. We would also offer special program series for children and other specialized groups in the area including the ever growing Latino community. The cinema will also offer live and film entertainment to specific ethnic groups represented in the greater “Miami Valley” and central and south Ohio."

Neargarder commented that “the restoration and refurbishing of this first cinema will be as green as possible, using earth-friendly renewable products in this first project.”

Richard Alan Mendel-Martin who has almost two decades involvement in foreign film production and distribution will supervise booking of films and daily management routines. He also has written numerous articles on film and has taught film courses at Sinclair Community college for eight years.

Trustee George Katchmer is an attorney with a vast business background and experience dealing with the community on a very “grass roots” level. He is also an internationally published author. Board of Trustee and volunteer positions are still open and we welcome any persons interested in donating time or resources to this project."

Those interested in volunteering or assisting Nouveau Cinema Group, Incorporated may contact Richard Mendel-Martin at or by phone at 937-478-6608.

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Contact Information:
– A 501 c 3 non-profit corporation –
1120 W. Fairview Ave.
Dayton, OH 45406
or 937-478-6608

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