Astron Cinema in danger

posted by petrosp1 on June 3, 2009 at 4:00 pm

ATHENS, GREECE —The Astron Cinema, located at 37 Kifisias Avenue, represents the new generation of purpose-built cinemas at the center of Athens in the 1950’s. It opened its doors on January 1957 with 1.074 seats (663 at the ground floor and 411 at the balcony). Designed in the Art Moderne style by the well-known greek architect Solon Kidoniatis, it is much acclaimed for its grandiose staircase, spacious foyer and the uncommonly elongated balcony.

Since May 2008, its current owner (Sinegiitiko Kefalaio Chrimatistiriakon Sinalagon) closed it down and sold the lot. A handful of active neighbors tried to persuade the Ministry of Culture about its architectural merits and the need to be preserved.

Please, sign our petition about the preservation of Astron Cinema.

Cinemahellas Blog

(Thanks to Peter for providing the photo.)

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Comments (10)

HowardBHaas on June 3, 2009 at 4:36 pm

Let’s help out, Cinema Treasures members! I signed petition. Join in before it is too late. We’ve seen too many cinemas needlessly lost. Let’s see more Americans & worldwide members signing the petition.

Chris Utley
Chris Utley on June 3, 2009 at 7:07 pm

I signed it.

Are there any interior shots of this theatre available online?

petrosp1 on June 3, 2009 at 8:17 pm

Chris, I can send you photos of the interior if you like. But you may also see one, if you visit this Facebook Group about the preservation of modernist architecture:
View link
“Astron” in greek means “star” and we hope to see the revolving neon star at the top of the building to sparkle again.

petrosp1 on June 3, 2009 at 8:38 pm

Also at this site:
View link
At the end of the text you can watch a small promotional video of how it was in the nineties, after the restoration.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick on June 3, 2009 at 9:57 pm

Please sign this petition. Every name and voice helps a great deal.

MPol on June 5, 2009 at 3:40 am

I, too signed the petition.

petrosp1 on June 5, 2009 at 10:25 pm

Another interior view of Astron Cinema:
View link

petrosp1 on July 17, 2011 at 10:03 am

On Thursday July 7th 2011, the preservation of Astron cinema was discussed by the Central Council of Newer Monuments at the Ministry of Culture. Although four members of the Council voted for and four members against the preservation of the cinema, the final negative decision with marginal majority relied on the double vote of the chairman of the Council! Considering the fact that Astron is one of the last six purpose-built cinemas of Athens, the Ministry of Culture should re-examine its final decision.

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