Roxy preservation issue

posted by Michael Zoldessy on May 26, 2009 at 3:40 pm

I came across the Cinema Treasures site while doing some looking around regarding the Roxy Theater at 827 Meridian St. in Nashville, TN. My wife and I own a home a couple of blocks away and are interested in the preservation of the theater and the neighborhood commercial district around it.

The most recent owner of the theater has passed away and his family is selling the property. Do you have any insight in the best way to advocate for the preservation/restoration of the theater and storefronts?

The theater is current in a significantly altered state with main entrances sealed, etc.


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Comments (1)

danpetitpas on May 27, 2009 at 7:58 pm

The best way to advocate for the preservation and/or restoration of the theater is to form a community group of like-minded individuals and try to influence the present or future owners as to what use would best suit the neighborhood. If no one buys the theater, you could look into forming a non-profit and trying to solicit donations to buy the theater and run it as a non-profit. That model has been very successful for a lot of theaters that were close to being destroyed. (Tax savings, etc.). Governments also tend to respond to organized groups, and having politicians behind your idea helps. Also having business plans, design plans, etc., allows local people visualize how the property can benefit them.

It’s a lot of work, but it could pay off for you.

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