3 Classic Ghost Films at the Loew’s Jersey Theater - March 27-28, 2009
JERSEY CITY, NJ — Chills In Early Spring
Three Classic Ghost Movies
— Two Screened In Studio Vault Prints!
March 27 & 28, 2009
at the
Landmark Loew’s Jersey Theatre
54 Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ
Tel: (201) 798-6055 Web: www.loewsjersey.org Email: loewsjersey@gmail.com
A Landmark Movie Palace Now Serving as A Not-For-Profit Arts Center
Friday, March 27 at 8 PM
“The Uninvited” Starring Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Donald Crisp, Gail Russell. Directed by Lewis Allen. 1944 98mins. B&W.
A RARE Big Screen Presentation of This Classic Ghost Movie! – – – For more info, see Film Notes, below.
Saturday, March 28 at 6 PM
“The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” Starring Gene Tierney, Rex Harrison, George Sanders, Edna Best. Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz — whose centenary is this year. 1947 104mins. B&W. – – – For more info, see Film Notes, below.
Screened in 20th Century Fox’s Vault Print
Saturday, March 28 at 8:30 PM
“The Innocents” Starring Deborah Kerr, Michael Redgrave, Peter Wyngarde, Megs Jenkins, Pamela Franklin. Directed by Jack Clayton. 1961 100mins. B&W Cinemascope. – – – For more info, see Film Notes, below.
Screened in 20th Century Fox’s NEW Vault Print
Admission for each screening is $6 for adults, $4 for seniors 65 & older, students with ID, and children 12 & younger. Discounts available for multiple screenings.
The Loew’s Is Easy To Get To: The Loew’s Jersey Theatre, at 54 Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ, is directly across JFK Boulevard from the JSQ PATH Center with trains to and from Lower and Midtown Manhattan and Newark’s Penn Station, is minutes from the NJ Turnpike & easily reached by car or mass transit from throughout the Metro Area.
Half-price off-street parking is available in Square Ramp Garage adjoining the Loew’s. Patrons present a coupon to garage attendant when they leave. Coupon is available at our box office.
What’s Special About Seeing A Movie At The Loew’s? The Landmark Loew’s Jersey Theatre is one of America’s grandest surviving Movie Palaces. We show movies the way they were meant to be seen: in a grandly ornate setting — on our BIG 50 ft wide screen! The Loew’s runs reel-to-reel, not platter, projection, which often allows us to screen an archival or studio vault print that is the best available copy of a movie title.
The Loew’s Jersey is managed by Friends of the Loew’s, Inc. as a non-profit, multi-discipline performing arts center.
For directions or more information: Call (201) 798-6055 or visit www.loewsjersey.org
Classic Film Weekends are presented by Friends of the Loew’s, Inc.
Film Notes
The Uninvited — Most horror movies, especially those made after the 1960s or thereabouts, tend to be loud, busy, and full of big moments. The Uninvited is a bit of an anomaly, being for the most part rather more nuanced and understated. Yet, it still manages to provide suspense, thrills, and chills and comes off as immensely satisfying. Like some of the films of Val Lewton, it’s more concerned with suggesting rather that showing, and therefore lets the viewer’s imagination work harder and for greater rewards. Of course, this would count for little and indeed would backfire if the screenplay and direction were less polished and assured; fortunately, both are top-notch — atmospheric, taut, inevitable yet surprising, and filled with delightful touches. The Uninvited is greatly aided by its cast, especially Ray Milland, who is charming, debonair and commanding; Donald Crisp, who is appealingly gruff; a delightful Ruth Hussey; and Cornelia Otis Skinner, who gives a wonderful lunatic turn. True, Gail Russell is slightly bland, but she doesn’t really damage the film — especially not as shot by Charles B. Lang, whose cinematography is top-notch throughout and is key to the film’s ultimate effectiveness. The Uninvited is highly recommended, whether one is a ghost flick fan or not.
—from Craig Butler, Allmovie.com
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir — A beautifully crafted piece of Hollywood fantasy, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is a far-fetched but moving fable about a sea captain who haunts a widow. They fall in love as the grizzled captain dictates his real-life adventures to the widow, who turns them into a book. Enormously winning performances from the underrated Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison drive the film, and the direction of veteran Joseph L. Mankiewicz is almost flawless. Natalie Wood plays Tierney’s daughter. Stylish craftsman Philip Dunne adapted the whimsical story from a novel by R.A. Dick. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is a superb illustration of how post-World War II Hollywood could deftly handle a romantic fable during an era when the movies could deliver escapism without big-budget pyrotechnics. The film ended up being remade as a pedestrian TV sitcom in the late 1960s.
—from Michael Betzold, Allmovie.com
The Innocents — Based on Henry James’s novella The Turn of the Screw, the film wisely leaves in doubt how much of what occurs is supernatural, and how much is in the mind of the protagonist (Deborah Kerr). It’s all the more frightening for what isn’t shown, and it has endured as one of the screen’s best psychological dramas. Truman Capote, whose work often dealt with repressed sexuality, was among the screenwriters. The pacing from director Jack Clayton creates a confining intensity that allows Kerr to magnify her performance. This is a very scary movie, without any of the gimmicks often associated with the horror genre.
—from Richard Gilliam,Allmovie.com