Sacred Cinema feature documentary update

posted by imark on March 11, 2009 at 7:40 am

Documentary Website Launch
Sacred Cinema – A movie about going to the movies

Things are rolling – literally with the film “Sacred Cinema”.
I have received an overwhelming response from cinephiles and preservationists alike regarding cinemas that deserve profile within the documentary. Thanks to everyone who has dropped me an email and/or words of encouragement. TJ Edwards over at Cinema Sightlines has been extremely helpful in my research. Please check out his site.

I begin production at the end of the month and am shortlisting the eight or ten cinemas that best suit the films story-line. The back story to so many theaters deserve documentaries within themselves. I am in awe of the high regard and passion people carry regarding the moviegoing experience. I have really come to believe that the cinema unites us in a very meaningful way.

I still need some assistance with production.
If anyone knows of pertinent contacts who may be able to assist me with production in (Dublin) Ireland, (Nottingham & London) England, (brisbane & Sydney) Australia, St. Louis, Baltimore, & New York- their assistance would be most helpful. Anything from transportation to location scouting will make the production roll more efficiently.

Again please drop me a line at if you have any suggestions or connections of whom I can get in touch with. Or feel free to pass my email onto your colleagues.

Thanks again to the fine people at Cinema Treasures for assisting me with getting the word out. We are very fortunate to have such a resource available to us.

Best Regards,

Mark G. Power
Producer/Director “Sacred Cinema”

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