Meeting Saturday, March 7th for Friends of The RKO Keith’s Theater Flushing

posted by ejtracey3 on February 27, 2009 at 7:45 am

A meeting is scheduled for Friends of The RKO Keith’s Flushing:

Saturday March 7th, 2009
12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
St John Vianney Parish Hall
140-10 34th Ave, Flushing –
Parking Lot on Corner of 35th Avenue and Union Street

There is a $100 donation which I am paying (gladly) – if anyone would like to chip in, feel free. No pressure to do so.

A few things we hope to cover during the meeting:

1- Status of the theater and a brief history of where it is today
2- History of The Committee to Save The RKO Keith’s Flushing, Inc.
3- Purpose of the committee, “friends of The RKO Keith’s"
4- Formulate game plan for future endeavors to save the Keith’s: Fundraising, Marketing. Non-profit status, Community Awareness, Preservation Group awareness &
Involvement, Media awareness and involvement.
5- Formation of sub-committees to carry out our mission of saving the RKO Keith’s.

I hope that we can have at least 100 supporters there. Please forward this to everyone you know. I realize many are involved other groups – churches, associations, non-profits, etc. – I would ask you to spread this information to those groups as well if for no other reason than to make them aware.

I am meeting the morning before with some of the key people involved from the beginning to give me a better sense of what we’re up against. This is by far, no small task. But I believe it is not impossible.

Our new MYSpace page –

The Facebook Group Page for The RKO Keith’s:

Go to /theaters/834/ for info on The RKO Keith’s and its supporters.

Please! Everyone sign this petition:

Please email Ed Tracey at if you plan on attending this meeting (so we have enough room for everyone),or if you cannot make the meeting, but would like to help in some way.

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