Edenton’s Taylor Twn Cinema in financial jeopardy

posted by CSWalczak on November 19, 2009 at 7:45 am

EDENTON, NC — Built in 1925 as the Taylor Theater, the Taylor Twin has hit rough financial waters and is in danger of closing. Some citizens are already rallying to save the South Broad Street landmark.

Another good friend has been Frank Jones, co-owner of the Soda Shoppe. Jones has known Krochmal since he (Jones) managed the McDonald’s franchise here and the two have participated in joint ventures before.

Wanting to help his old friend, Jones developed a plan to donate 20 percent of the proceeds from all meals eaten at the Soda Shoppe during specially designated hours on Fridays from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and on Sundays from noon until 2 p.m.

“My brother Steve and I know Bob is struggling, as many of us downtown are in this tough economy, and we wanted to do whatever we could to help him,” Jones said.

Read the story in the Daily Advance.

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Comments (2)

danpetitpas on November 20, 2009 at 7:24 am

I think it’s great that people are helping out a theater, and there’s certainly a small-town spirit still alive in Endenton where neighbors want to help neighbors, but as a “business,” the theater owner can’t accept “donations.” If that were the case, every small, struggling theater in the world could just put out a donation jar and plea with people to “save our theater.” State laws are usually pretty specific about who can and can’t accept donations.

For example, the owner of the Soda Shoppe could “loan” the theater money, or the theater could sell buttons or admittance passes at whatever price people want to pay, but it’s illegal for a business to accept gifts or donations like this.

This is why so many theaters are turning into non-profit entities, so they can accept donations to supplement its income.

opelske on January 16, 2010 at 10:13 pm

Funny, how some businesses get help from the government, think Chrysler, Stimulus Bill, and others are not allowed. As a taxpaying citizen, I would vote for neighbors helping neighbors.

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