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November 13, 2009 at 9:30 am
Theater in Burlington Wisconsin for sale. Four screen profitable. Great location no competition in town. Town size 10,500. Great little investment. Asking $715K. Call (262)853-4338 for details.
I guess the question is, will it still be profitable when the new owner has to cover a $6,000 a month ($72,000 a year) mortgage/business loan/loss of investment capital payment? You would need 10% of the town to go to the movies every month just to cover the investment, not including expenses.
Comments (2)
I guess the question is, will it still be profitable when the new owner has to cover a $6,000 a month ($72,000 a year) mortgage/business loan/loss of investment capital payment? You would need 10% of the town to go to the movies every month just to cover the investment, not including expenses.
If you have a concession stand for sale, i’d definitely be interested in it. Please email me back at: