Woodburn theater help
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September 2, 2008 at 7:45 am
WOODBURN, OR — We are trying to restore a theater that has been abandoned for 10 years. The theater has lots of qualities. If anyone has any leads for us to be able to get this theater up and going, our community would be grateful.
Comments (12)
www.bigscreenbiz.com forums would be a good start.
Check out the restored single screen Chehalis Theater in Chehalis, Washington. I helped restore the projection booth there. It is a successful first run single screen theater again after it had been converted into a video rental store.
I would love to talk to you about your theater. My name is Mike Pitts and I recently restored/opened the Orchard Theater in Port Orchard, WA. You can reach me at
“Woodbun” should be Woodburn.
Have you seen the deep down condition of this dump… I mean REALLY looked at it thoroughly? Inside? Outside, Topside?
I, too, had the same notion some while back. The owner should be jailed for allowing this disgraceful state of affairs.
And have your researched the neighborhood of people? They would undo all of your hard work and big financial investment.
Why not hire an independent (NOT CITY) building inspector to give you the bottom line. And if you are still so keen, contact me: I live just up the road!
Hi, Do you neeed a good promoter. I have promoter shows for over 27 years and am related to a very famous movie star and love the business and can relocate if needed. Call me anytime at 716 692 5735 Thanks John
For seat, we can save you much money, by providing you new cinema seat from our Chinese seat factory directly.
As we know, most of the North America local suppliers get seats from Chinese factories, then resell them to the end-user to make large profit.
Why not buy direct ly from the original factory?
For example, a normal upholstered seat with a cupholder, steel armrest and rocker back, is about $60. With the shipment cost of approximately $10, it is $70 totally. But one similar seat in US local market can be sold at about $190.
For the import custom affairs, please do not worry, I will arrange it all for you, and send the seats to your place.
Thanks&Warm regards,
Bob Yang
Hebei Shuaikang Seat Co., Ltd.
Website: www.kangdi.cn
company e-mail:
Tel/Fax: 0086-312-5717798
Cell phone: 0086-13663391365
Below is info on a person in Michigan who has 400 brand new theatre seats in storage in their original boxes
there are 400 seats, and they are in Auburn Hills, Michigan..my phone at the office is: 248-738-0600, my cell is 248-408-0274..hope this helps you !!!!
which theater is this?
Hello, I can provide equipment and advice. We are located in Portland American Entertainment Products, LLC Chris Tel: 503.998.3200 or email Is this the PIC theatre? If so I did run some numbers last year. Tough market that would not be financially workable without some significant grant monies and tax breaks.
Let me know if you need welding help!
I have 550 theatre seats available in good condition that meet fire code. I’d be happy to donate these seats to you if you are interested. I’m at the Columbia Theatre in Longview, WA. Please call if you are interested. Kelly at (360) 749-0906
I imagine this is about the Pix Theater. It was opened in 1947.