Airline Magazine by Ross Melnick features Historic Movie Theaters

posted by HowardBHaas on March 5, 2008 at 9:55 am

The current Southwest Airlines onboard magazine features a two page article entitled Classic Movie Theaters, by this site’s own Ross Melnick. A beautiful photo of the facade of the Grand Lake of Oakland, CA, with the roof sign lit, and an equally gorgeous photo of the atmospheric Tampa Theatre facing the proscenium arch of the auditorium, are included.

Other theaters included are the Seattle Cinerama and the Music Box Theatre, Chicago, IL.

Thanks Ross for your outstanding advocacy of cinema treasures!

Comments (3)

Karen Colizzi Noonan
Karen Colizzi Noonan on March 5, 2008 at 11:15 am

Theatre Historical Society will be visiting the GRAND LAKE this summer as a part of Conclave 2009 – San Jose & Around the Bay. So it is VERY exciting to see this stunning full color photo! Watch Cinema Treasures for a special Conclave Registration offer just for Cinema Treasures members — we’d love to have you join us!

Karen Colizzi Noonan,
President, THS

TheaterBuff1 on March 6, 2008 at 2:10 am

Great upbeat article on some of America’s most classic theaters! And great photos, too! Hats off to Mr. Melnick for bringing their attention to those traveling through the stratosphere!

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