Lebowsky rebuilding update

posted by steelbeard1 on March 27, 2008 at 9:40 am

OWOSSO, MI — In the latest newsletter from the Owosso Community Players, The OCP gives the latest updates on the rebuilding of the Lebowsky Center.

The Vital Cities Grant has been changed from a cultural center grant to a facade grant. As a result, the grant will pay only for the rebuilding of the theater’s walls facing Main and Park Streets. So the OCP will need to cover the costs of rebuilding the wall adjacent to the West Annex as well as the roof.

The premiere opening show at the West Annex is “Father of the Bride” which will feature a ‘wedding reception’ after each performance. Admission is a contribution of $10 towards rebuilding the Lebowsky Center.

Another volunteer “work bee” is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 to clean out the lobby and move lumber off the stage to allow for the Lebowsky’s rebuilding.

Comments (1)

steelbeard1 on March 30, 2008 at 10:58 am

On the “Father of the Bride” show, the $10 admission mentioned in the above story is just for the ‘wedding reception.’ The Argus-Press has a story on the show at View link Tickets (or in this case, ‘invitations’) are $12 for adults and $5 for High School and below. The West Annex only seats 100, so get your ‘invitations’ early. Check the above OCP newsletter link for further details.

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