Curtains for Brisbane Regent?

posted by brentj on February 15, 2008 at 3:50 pm

BIRSBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA — Following ongoing rumours about the fate of the Brisbane Regent, it was announced in Wedne'sday’s Courier Mail.

The Regent (1593) will close, retaining the heritage listed grand lobby and foyer which will then become the back entrance to a new office tower.

In the late 70’s…..the Save The Regent campaign fought hard to preserve the entire theatre, often referred to as one of Australia’s finest. After closing in 1978, the main auditorium was converted to four new cinemas with one containing saved plasterwork/ornaments and features from the original theatre).

The original upstairs lobby was preserved and relocated downstairs.

Neither the relocated downstairs lobby or “showcase” cinema featuring original elements are protected. These are in areas due for destruction. The Regent is the last remants of any of the city’s grand palace’s including the Wintergarden, the Tivoli, the Metro and St James (Paris). It was hoped developers would consider incorporating some medium size theatre venue in new building , however this is unlikely. Brisbane perhaps has the worst heritage record of main Australian city.

A save the Regent site is soon to be set up at

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Comments (1)

debritz on February 20, 2008 at 4:58 am

The website,, is now active. I urge people to visit and have their say. You can also join the Save the Regent group on Facebook.

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