Varsity reaches 70

posted by Michael Zoldessy on December 30, 2008 at 3:50 pm

DES MOINES, IA — Last week, the Varsity Theatre reached its 70th Anniversary and it’s still going strong.

Bev Mahon still keeps a grainy photocopy of a newspaper advertisement that was published in early 1939. The Varsity Theater had just opened, and the advertorial boasted that it was “not just another theater, but in a setting as picturesque as the locality it represents a charming place to spend your entertainment hours, leisurely, unobtrusively.”

When one considers that description, the Varsity hasn’t changed all that much during the years. On Christmas Day, the single-screen theater across the street from historic Drake University will reach a milestone of its own — its 70th anniversary.

Read more in the Des Moines Register.

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Comments (1)

movies10063 on December 31, 2008 at 1:30 am

With all the readings of theaters closing daily it is great to here of the wonderful story of this theaters success and its long time devoted owner !!!!

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