Theatre seats for sale
The Columbia Theatre is a non-profit performing arts center, that was once a vaudeville house and movie theatre in Longview, Washington. We are undergoing renovation and will have new seats, so we’d like to sell the existing seats.
The blue seats are in the Columbia Theatre and there are two sizes there are 980 seats in the Columbia
Small ones:
bottoms are 151/2" w x 161/2" Long
backs are 17" w and 32" from the floor
Large ones:
Bottoms are 17"w x 17" Long
Backs are 19"W x 32" from floor
Pepper seats are red and there are (86 seats total) and only one size
Bottoms are 19"w x 18" long
Backs are 201/2"w and 331/2" from the floor
All seats are $30.00 a seat, but will negotiate price with a larger purchase. Thanks, Kelly
Kelly Ragsdale
Technical Director/CTPA
(360) 749-0906