Westchase demolition

posted by Michael Zoldessy on January 30, 2008 at 10:40 am

The Westchase Cimemark in Houston, TX is to be demolished sometime early this year…any help with the date of the implosion would be great.

I’ve googled and searched for most of the evening and no specific date or demolition company has come up in any of the searches.


Lesle Travis

Comments (2)

shoeshoe14 on January 31, 2008 at 9:47 pm

Try calling the city hall’s permits department.

ceasar on May 11, 2008 at 12:36 pm

It has been two years since the old mall cinema four screen multiplex Pemberton Cineama 4,and CBL Associates which closed the cinema becouse of a feud with the tenant hasn’t found a tenant for the thier high rent property. At the sametime there is a rumor circulating that the small mall could be closing. But CBL’s own inactions toward the other tenants in the mall has generated some worries. Renee Williams the mall propertier has been quiet as a church mouse.

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