Port Theatre goes up for Auction August 2nd, 2007

posted by paulaclark on June 15, 2007 at 3:50 pm

PORT ST. JOE, FL — The Port Theatre is going up for auction on August 2nd to the highest bidder. The acoustics in the Port Theatre are incredible! It was built acoustically RIGHT for concerts.

If you want additional information on the auction, feel free to call Higgenbotham Auctioneers, International, LLC 863-644-6681. Probably in about a week or two, there will be flyers going out on this auction. For detailed information about the theatre itself, you could call my husband, one of the owners, Wade Clark at 931-629-4080 and he could tell you detailed information about condition, size, etc.

We bought the Port Theatre in 1995 and spent 12 years working on it, and doing a weekly auction in it, until late last year. It’s in the center of the downtown in a lovely Gulf Coast town.

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James Fisher
James Fisher on June 27, 2007 at 7:11 am


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