East Meets West[ern] at the Loew’s Jersey Theatre

posted by Alto on May 7, 2007 at 4:45 am

JERSEY CITY, NJ — May is officially national Asian/Pacific-American Heritage Month – and the Landmark Loew’s Jersey Theatre has all kinds of extra goodies in store for its movie patrons.

May 11-12 East Meets West[ern] Film Series: Foreign Films and Their American Remakes

Fri: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (1966) (based on Kurosawa’s Yojimbo
Sat: The Seven Samurai (1954) – The Magnificent Seven(1960)

The Friends of the Loew’s has partnered with the Japan Society for a unique presentation of cinema combined with educational outreach featuring live performances, demonstrations and film discussions. Japan Society members can even receive special reduced admission ($4.00 per show) by presenting their membership cards at the ticket desk.

These two non-profit organizations are combining their specialized skills and resources through creative collaboration, programming and outreach to create a powerful presence, build public awareness and reach new and diverse audiences.

FOTL has posted the series' print flyer of events(bilingual in English and Japanese!) on their Web site for everyone’s convenience. View it here [in PDF format – Adobe Acrobat Reader required].

The Jersey Theatre is conveniently located across from the Journal Square Transportation Center, allowing for easy travel to and from New York City via PATH train.

Discounted parking (half-price) will be available for theatre guests (holding special vouchers) at the Square Ramp parking garage located directly behind the theatre building at the end of Magnolia Avenue (to receive special rate, voucher must be presented to cashier along with parking receipt for validation upon exiting the garage). Vouchers are available inside the theatre before and after each show look for them at the information tables, concessions stands or ticket desk, or ask any staff member for them.

Garage is park and lock service only (no valet). Handicapped parking is available (by permit only), and both garage and theatre building are wheelchair-accessible.

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Comments (2)

Alto on May 8, 2007 at 2:19 am

Regarding the above news item:

Correction: “The Good, The Bad and the Ugly” is NOT based directly on the Japanese film “Yojimbo” (according to IMDb, that distinction actually belongs to another “spaghetti western” – 1964â€\s “A Fistful of Dollars” – upon which this film is based). “Inspired in part by” or “loosely derived from” would be better terms to describe the relationship.

Clarification: special reduced admission is available ONLY for the 2:00 p.m. screening of “THE SEVEN SAMURAI” on Saturday, May 12th â€" tickets for all other events are at regular cost. Patrons must present a Japan Society membership card OR a copy of this Web page to qualify for the discount (however, please note that the JS Web page indicates a regular adult ticket price of $6 and NOT the discount price of $4 shown on this FOTL flyer â€" yet another error?!?).

Perhaps it would be best to call the LJ Theatre directly at (201) 798-6055, contact them at loewsjersey@gmail.com, or even send a fax to (201) 798-4020 to clarify or correct any information that is questionable. If you do, kindly post and share any updates here AND on the Loewâ€\s Jersey Theatre page .

Please pardon any misunderstanding or confusion that may have resulted from any postings (all information presented was obtained from Web pages and publicity materials authored by Friends of the Loewâ€\s and Japan Society).

Alto on May 8, 2007 at 8:00 am

In response to an e-mail inquiry (from me), Japan Society quickly corrected the price discrepancy on its Web site – it is indeed $4 admission for their cardholding members, and it is only valid for the screening of “The Seven Samurai” (which I agree can be clearly understood from wording contained on their site as well as in FOTL publicity).

I also received a prompt, detailed and informative response from a FOTL staff member regarding some points posed to them:

“Thanks for bringing these points to my attention.

The intended discount price was — and is — $4 for adults (down from our usual $6) with a Japan Society membership card.

The intention was that the discount be for the Seven Samurai screening only, and in fairness, I think that is reasonably clear on the Japan Society website.

I was frankly unaware of the Japan Society membership card alternate of the printed web page, and I will enquire about the genesis of that.

As to the reference to Yojimbo, you are of course correct. The flyer with that reference was not made up by our usual graphics person, but rather was designed, along with a Japanese language version, specifically for distribution at the Japan Society and its immediate environs. (A few may have gone elsewhere.) I did see this flyer before distribution, but must have only been checking dates and times and do not remember noticing the Yojimbo reference at all — so in the end, the fault is mine. I just checked our main flyers and posters, and re-read the press materials I prepared, and none describe TG,B&U as based on Yojimbo. Here’s what I said in my press kit: ‘Following in the footsteps of John Sturges and the Magnificent Seven, Sergio Leone remade one of Akira Kurosawa’s samurai films, Yojimbo, as A Fistful of Dollars…The movie…prompt(ed) two sequels; the final and, by most critical accounts, best of this “Dollars” trilogy being The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.’

Thanks again for your interest, and your support of the Loew’s."

…And THANK YOU, Loew’s Jersey and FOTL, for your concern and tireless efforts in presenting creative and quality classic movie programming to your patrons – it is most appreciated!

Anyone that can attend SHOULD attend and show their support!

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