Organ concert at The Brooklyn Paramount(UPDATED: Event cancelled)
Hi all,
If you’re in the area and wanted to see the inside of the old Brooklyn Paramount (Now the L.I.U. Gym), there will be an organ concert given on the originial Mighty Wurlitzer 4/26 opus 1984 organ which was installed when the theatre was built.
Come and hear the a Mighty Wrulitzer in a way you’ve never heard one before. That’s because there are no carpets, seats or drapes to surpress the sound. Just the wood gym floor. Great for the organ, bad for stage shows.
The concert will held on Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 3 PM. The Entrance is at the corner of Flatbush Ave. and Dekalb Ave. in Brooklyn NY. Admission is $12.00 for non-members and $10.00 for members.
For further information and directions Re: subway, LIRR, or Plarking lots you can go to the New York Theater Organ web site.
Comments (3)
I was hoping to go to this concert, but the NYTOS website states that it has been cancelled.
Yes it has been cancelled for now but they want to reschedule in the near future. I will put a post up again as soon as they have a new date.
I went to the show held on April 1st, the line was behind the theatre down on DeKalb Avenue going towards Brooklyn Tech. We had to enter through the back of the theatre. The show was great, however, the theatre is another story. It is half the size because there is a wall covering up the balcony. It is a shaddow of what it once was, very sad. They tore away alot of the ornimental design work on both sides of the stage. I think behind the wall is a lecture hall and the original lobby is a study hall. I haven’t been in this theatre since 1962, it was a shock.